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7.8 Registered Apprenticeships and ETPL


7.8.1 Overview

Effective date: March 16, 2022

Under WIOA, registered apprenticeship programs automatically qualify to be included on the state's ETPL because of the extensive vetting process they undergo to become registered.1 Sponsors of registered apprenticeship programs operating within the state must be informed of their automatic eligibility to be included on the state's ETPL and must be able to join with minimal burden.2 A registered apprenticeship program can only be added to the state's ETPL if the program sponsor has consented to its inclusion on the list.3

Note: Automatic eligibility does not apply to pre-apprenticeship programs4 or non-registered apprenticeships.5 Such programs must adhere to the state's initial and continued eligibility requirements.6

The state must develop and implement a procedure addressing how it will contact all registered apprenticeship program sponsors within the state, inform them of their automatic ETPL eligibility privileges, and let them know how to communicate their consent to have their program(s) placed on the ETPL.7 The procedure should be developed in coordination with the state's office of apprenticeship.8 As part of the procedure, the state must also decide how frequently it will identify newly registered programs; DOL recommends that this be done at least quarterly or bi-annually.9

A registered apprenticeship program remains on the ETPL as long as it is registered;10 however it will be removed when:

  1. the program sponsor notifies the state it wishes to have the program removed;11
  2. it is determined that the program sponsor committed a substantial violation;12

  3. the sponsor and/or the provider of the classroom/related instruction component of the program becomes suspended or debarred from participating in federal programs or activities.13

The state must verify the registration status of each registered apprenticeship program on the state's ETPL at least every two years.14

The local WDBs and their service providers can use Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) to fund the occupational skills training (i.e., classroom or related instruction) portion of registered apprenticeship programs listed on the ETPL.15

7.8.2 Wisconsin's Procedures

Effective date: March 16, 2022

DWD-DET will publish training programs on Wisconsin's ETPL, without applying its initial eligibility procedure outlined in 7.4.4 and its continued eligibility procedure outlined in 7.4.5, if any of the following apply:

  • the program is registered with DWD-DET's Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (BAS), i.e., Wisconsin's office of apprenticeship, or another state's apprenticeship agency;
  • the program is registered with the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship;1

Notice to BAS-registered Sponsors

DWD-DET's Bureau of Workforce Training (BWT), the unit responsible for the oversight of WIOA Title I, including the ETPL, will work in coordination with BAS to inform all registered apprenticeship program sponsors within the state of their automatic ETPL eligibility privileges and the process they must follow to consent to have their programs published on the ETPL website.2 This will, at minimum, be accomplished through annual email and/or hardcopy notices to all registered apprenticeship program sponsors and quarterly email and/or hardcopy notices to sponsors of any newly added programs from the prior quarter.

Sponsor Consent

BAS-registered sponsors may consent to have their programs published on Wisconsin's ETPL website by sending an email to with the name of the program(s) the sponsor would like added to Wisconsin's ETPL.

Sponsors registered with another state's apprenticeship agency or the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship must complete and submit an Institution Application through the ETPL Provider Portal. The applicant should select "Registered Apprenticeship" as the institution type when completing the Institution Application. Submitting the Institution Application puts DWD-DET on notice that the sponsor consents to have one or more registered apprenticeship programs published on Wisconsin's ETPL website.

Program Verification

Once DWD-DET receives the sponsor's consent to add a program to the ETPL, DWD-DET must (1) verify that the identified program is registered with BAS, another state's apprenticeship agency or the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship and (2) verify that the sponsor and the provider(s) of the classroom/related instruction component are not suspended or debarred from participating in federal programs or activities.3 Only programs that meet both criteria may be published on the ETPL website as registered apprenticeship programs. If the program(s) cannot be published, DWD-DET will notify the sponsor of the reason(s) the program is ineligible, along with notice of the sponsor's appeal rights.

Publishing Program Information

DWD-DET will publish the following information for registered apprenticeship programs that are included on the published ETPL website:

  • Name and address of program sponsor4
  • Name of registered apprenticeship program
  • Program description
  • Name and address of the classroom/related instruction provider(s) and the location of instruction if different
  • Point of contact for the training program and the individual's contact information
  • Name of credential received for completion of the training program
  • Length of the registered apprencticeship program
  • Name of the provider for the classroom/related instruction component, if applicable
  • On-the-job Training wage during the apprenticeship
  • Program-level eligibility criteria (if applicable)
  • The number of active apprentices.

For BAS-registered programs, all information, except the program-level eligibility criteria, is already on file with BAS. That information will be used for purposes of publishing program information to the ETPL website. BAS will contact the sponsor to request information about any eligibility criteria participants must meet to join the registered apprenticeship program and, if identified, that will also be published.

Sponsors of programs registered with another state's apprenticeship agency or the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship must provide the information outlined above through the ETPL Provider Portal.

Continued Eligibility

Each year, between July 1 and August 31, DWD-DET BWT will review all registered apprenticeship programs on the ETPL website to ensure:

  1. the program is still registered with BAS;5
  2. the sponsor and any provider(s) of the classroom component are not suspended or debarred from participating in federal programs or activities.6

Registered apprenticeship programs that satisfy these two requirements will be maintained on the ETPL website. If the program fails to meet either of the two requirements, it will be removed from the website.

The other continued eligibility criteria, outlined in 7.4.5, do not apply to registered apprenticeship programs.

Removal from the ETPL

DWD-DET removes registered apprenticeship programs from the ETPL website when:

  1. the program sponsor notifies DWD-DET (either BAS or BWT) and requests that the registered apprenticeship program be removed;
  2. the program loses its "registered status;"
  3. the sponsor or any provider(s) of the classroom/related instruction component commits a substantial violation;
  4. the sponsor or any provider of the classroom/related instruction component of the program becomes suspended or debarred from participating in federal programs or activities.

If a registered apprenticeship program is removed for a reason other than the sponsor's request to be removed, DWD-DET will notify the sponsor of the action and its appeal rights.

Pre-Apprenticeship Program

Effective date: September 2, 2019

A "pre-apprenticeship program" is a program that is designed to prepare individuals for entry and success in a registered apprenticeship program. The program must include the following elements:

  • a partnership with one or more registered apprenticeship programs that helps with placing those who successfully complete the program in a registered apprenticeship program;
  • an opportunity to attain at least one industry-recognized credential;
  • training/curriculum that aligns with the skill needs of employers in the economy of the state or region involved;
  • direct or indirect access to educational and career counseling and other supportive services;
  • hands-on, meaningful learning activities that are connected to education and training activities (e.g., exploring career options and understanding how skills acquired through coursework can be applied toward a future career).

20 CFR §§ 680.330(a) and 681.480

Individual Training Account

Effective date: September 2, 2019

An Individual Training Account (ITA) is the payment the local WDB or its service provider makes, on behalf of a participant, to a training institution for training services, when the institution and the program of interest are included on the State's Eligible Training Programs List (ETPL).

20 CFR § 680.300


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