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9.2 Rapid Response Program Funding


Chapter 9.2.1 Resources

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Chapter 9.2.2 Resources

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Chapter 9.2.3 Resources

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Chapter 9.2.4 Resources

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Chapter 9.2.5 Resources

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9.2.1 Federal to State

Effective date: July 1, 2022

The state receives an annual allotment for its Dislocated Worker program provided by WIOA funding, this process is outlined Chapter 3.1 WIOA Allocation Process. Of this funding the state may reserve up to 25-percent of its annually allocated Dislocated Worker Program funds for Rapid Response activities. DWD-DET determines, on an annual basis, how much funding to reserve for Rapid Response activities.1 In addition to providing the required Rapid Response activities, a state may use its reserve to fund direct career services for participants through "additional assistance" to local areas experiencing increases of unemployment due to natural disasters, mass layoffs, or other events.2 Wisconsin's "additional assistance" policies and procedures are located in Chapter 9.2.5 Additional Assistance Grants.

Rapid Response funds that remain unobligated for one program year may be used to carry out statewide activities.3 Generally, these funds may be used for:

  • planning and delivering job loss prevention;
  • increasing the reemployment rate;
  • building business and other stakeholder relationships;
  • building and maintaining early warning networks and systems; and
  • supporting efforts to allow long-term unemployed workers to return to work.4

Note: Additional information on statewide activities is available in part 9.4.1 Required Rapid Response Activities.

9.2.2 State to Local WDB's Rapid Response Grants

Effective date: July 1, 2022

Each program year, DWD-DET issues grants to the local WDBs to support the administration of the designated local Rapid Response teams and the provision of required Rapid Response activities. The amount reserved for these Rapid Response grants is subject to change based on funding availability and anticipated demand for that year. The three distinct Rapid Response grants DWD-DET issues are as follows:

  1. Rapid Response Annual Allotment Grants;
  2. Rapid Response Dislocation Grants; and
  3. Rapid Response Additional Assistance Grants.

An annual allotment grant is formula allocated and the two remaining grants are available upon request from the WDBs.

Based on funding availability, each local WDB receives a Rapid Response Annual Allotment Grant annually based on a formula determined by DWD-DET. Local WDBs may apply for Additional Assistance and Dislocation Grants at any time. Funds for Additional Assistance and Dislocation grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. DWD-DET rounds grant amounts to the nearest dollar.

9.2.3 Rapid Response Annual Allotment Grants

Effective date: July 1, 2022

Rapid Response Annual Allotment Grants provide local WDBs with a dedicated source of funding to support Rapid Response activities. They are intended to provide the local WDBs with financial resources to carry out the local Rapid Response Program, on behalf of DWD and consistent with DWD-DET's requirements. The Rapid Response Annual Allotment must be used for building, maintaining, and operating the local Rapid Response Program, which includes staff and related costs for planning, coordination, and provision of local Rapid Response activities. Based on funding availability, grants are awarded to each local WDB every program year, typically at the end of June. There are no eligibility criteria and there is no application process for Annual Allotment Grants.

Rapid Response Annual Allotment Grants must be used for Rapid Response activities as described in Chapter 9 Rapid Response. These funds may not be used for costs for Bureau of Job Service staff or costs associated with the provision of training and supportive services for WIOA Title I program participants.

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