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Effective date: March 16, 2022
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development – Division of Employment and Training (DWD-DET) has transitioned to its Eligible Training Program List (ETPL), which included both policy and website changes.
Only programs found eligible through the Initial Eligibility Procedure, which uses the ETPL Provider Portal, will be published on Wisconsin's new ETPL Website. The ETPL website launched December 2, 2019. The previous ETPL/ITA website has shut down.
The ETPL Provider Portal and ETPL Website are accessed through JobCenterofWisconsin.com by clicking on the "Education & Training" link with the mortarboard icon, located on the bottom of the homepage. Clicking the "Training Institution" button navigates users to the ETPL Homepage for Training Institutions. The "Search List" button navigates users to the ETPL Website, which is searchable by training institution name, training program name, city, and job title. The "Help" link, located on both the ETPL Homepage for Training Institutions and the ETPL Website, takes users to information about DWD-DET's eligibility criteria, information requirements, and application instructions.
All newly established ITAs
Participants must select ITA-funded training from the new ETPL Website, beginning December 2, 2019, unless one of the two exceptions apply (see below). To enter a new training service in ASSET for the training program, the career planner must make the selection from the "Version 2" list in the "ASSET – ITA Program Lookup" screen.
Exception 1: Participants already enrolled in a training program from the previous ETPL/ITA website.
Participants may complete their training, even if the program is not on the new ETPL Website. If a career planner must enter a new training service in ASSET for that training program (e.g., for a new academic term), the career planner makes the selection from the "Version 1" list in the "ASSET – ITA Program Lookup" screen.
Exception 2: Participants planning to enroll in a training program from the previous ETPL/ITA website where the training program is not on the new ETPL Website
Participants may complete the training if, prior to December 2, 2019, there was a training service in ASSET, a completed Individual Employment Plan, or a case note that reflects the participant's plan to attend the training program. To enter a new training service in ASSET for that training program, the career planner makes the selection from the "Version 1" list in the "ASSET – ITA Program Lookup" screen.
Local WDBs stopped accepting ETPL applications under the previous process on December 1, 2019. If a training institution is interested in applying to the new ETPL, DWD-DET strongly encourages local WDBs to instruct the institution to submit its application through the new ETPL Provider Portal.
Effective date: May 31, 2022
The Department of Workforce Development – Division of Employment and Training (DWD-DET) has made numerous updates to its ETPL policies and processes, including updates to:
Many of the updates were made to help ensure that training programs published on Wisconsin's ETPL comply with both WIOA authority and Wisconsin State approval and/or licensing requirements for training institutions and their programs.
As part of these changes, some institutions will need to provide additional information and/or supporting documentation, through the ETPL Provider Portal, to show their compliance with the updated requirements. DWD-DET anticipates that changes to the ETPL Provider Portal that address these updated requirements will be deployed in late Spring 2022.
DWD-DET is following the new requirements for all new ETPL institution and program applications. Please note – this means going forward, DWD-DET will only publish an Alternate institution's training program to Wisconsin's ETPL if it meets the criteria outlined in section 7.4.7 for Alternate institutions. DWD-DET may instruct institutions to provide supporting documentation via email, until the changes to the ETPL Provider Portal are deployed.
It may be necessary for DWD-DET to temporarily cease accepting new institution and program applications prior to the deploy of the updated ETPL Provider Portal. DWD-DET will notify all existing ETPL Provider Portal users should this occur.
All existing institutions that meet the new Standard classification criteria will not need to reapply; however, they will need to sign a new ETPL Agreement. DWD-DET will notify the institution Officers when the new agreement is ready for their review and signature. If the Officer fails to sign the new ETPL Agreement, the institution and its programs may be subject to termination from Wisconsin's ETPL.
Once the updates to the ETPL Provider Portal are deployed, all institutions currently approved for Wisconsin's ETPL that do not meet the new Standard classification criteria will need to reapply if they wish to continue to have training programs published on Wisconsin's ETPL. DWD-DET will notify all impacted institutions when the reapplication window starts. The reapplication window will last for 60 calendar days. During that time, ETPL Provider Portal users will need to submit some additional information through the portal and the institution's Officer will need to sign a new ETPL Agreement. DWD-DET will then make a new eligibility determination based on the updated eligibility criteria. DWD-DET will terminate institution and program eligibility following this reapplication window if (a) the institution fails to timely submit the additional information or (b) the institution fails to meet the updated eligibility criteria. If termination of eligibility occurs, the institution may always reapply at a later date.
DWD-DET encourages institutions to take the following steps in preparation for the reapplication window:
Questions relating to Wisconsin's ETPL should be directed to DETETPL@dwd.wisconsin.gov.
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