Wisconsin's Eligible Training Programs List (ETPL) Help

For additional help, contact us at: DETETPL@dwd.wisconsin.gov


Wisconsin's Eligible Training Programs List (ETPL) is a website that participants in the WIOA Adult Program and the WIOA Dislocated Worker Program generally must use to select classroom training that qualifies for WIOA-funded tuition assistance. TAA Program participants are encouraged to use Wisconsin's ETPL when selecting TAA-funded training, but they are not required to use it. The WIOA and TAA Programs are accessed through Wisconsin's job centers. WIOA and TAA program participants must get approval from their career planner to receive program-funded tuition assistance.

Training institutions that would like to have one or more training programs published on Wisconsin's ETPL must apply through the ETPL Provider Portal. The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) manages Wisconsin's ETPL, which includes reviewing and making eligibility determinations on ETPL applications.

Having one or more training programs published on Wisconsin's ETPL does not guarantee a training institution will receive funding of any sort. If a WIOA Adult Program or WIOA Dislocated Worker Program participant qualifies for tuition assistance through the WIOA program, staff from the local WIOA program will issue payment directly to the training institution for the portion of tuition it is covering. The local WIOA program may refer to this payment process or mechanism as an "Individual Training Account."

Wisconsin's Department of Workforce Development is not involved with payments.

A training institution will receive WIOA funding if and when a participant enrolls in one of its training programs published on Wisconsin's ETPL and has career planner approval to receive tuition assistance. The WIOA program will not pay for any tuition costs that a participant incurs before receiving career planner approval.

There are limitations on the amount of tuition assistance and types of trainings available to WIOA participants. Each Workforce Development Area (WDA) may establish limitations on the tuition assistance it will provide to help support participants served through its local WIOA program. The table, below provides links to forms listing each WDA's limitations and shows the Wisconsin counties where that WDA's limitations apply.

The below table provides links to forms listing each WDA's limitations and shows the Wisconsin counties where that WDA's limitations apply.

WDA Name Counties within the WDA
Southeast Kenosha, Racine, Walworth
Milwaukee County Milwaukee
WOW Washington, Ozaukee, Waukesha
Fox Valley Calumet, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago
Bay Area Brown, Door, Florence, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Sheboygan
North Central Adams, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Vilas, Wood
Northwest Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, Washburn
West Central Barron, Chippewa, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, St. Croix
Western Buffalo, Crawford, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Monroe, Trempealeau, Vernon
South Central Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Jefferson, Marquette, Sauk
Southwest Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland, and Rock


The ETPL Provider Portal is a secure website the DWD has created for training institution staff to use to apply for Wisconsin's ETPL and manage institution and program-related information for those programs published on Wisconsin's ETPL. The portal is not for individuals who are seeking to enroll in or attend a training program.

There are two types of ETPL Provider Portal user roles - Approvers and Editors.

An Approver is an individual designated by the institution's Officer to control ETPL Provider Portal Editor access for the institution. An Approver grants and denies Editor access through the ETPL Provider Portal. An Approver can also add new programs, edit certain program information fields, and remove programs through the ETPL Provider Portal at any time, on behalf of the institution. An Officer may designate up to five Approvers.

NOTE: If the institution's Officer wishes to designate a new Approver, the Officer must send an email to detetpl@dwd.wisconsin.gov with the individual's first name, last name, job title, and email address. Any other changes, including instructions to remove an existing Approver, should be sent to the same email address.

An Editor is an individual who can add new programs, edit certain program information fields, and remove programs at any time, on behalf of the institution. There is no limit on the number of Editors an institution may have.

Yes. All Approvers and Editors for an institution have access to all the institution and program records stored in the ETPL Provider Portal for that institution. If one user with an institution starts an application or program record, another user with the same institution can view, edit, and complete that application or program record.

Yes. Institution staff are required to use the ETPL Provider Portal to submit applications and manage information about their institution and programs.


This is an overview of Wisconsin's ETPL eligibility criteria. For more detailed information on this topic, please review sections 7.3 Eligible Institutions and Program Types and 7.4 ETPL Eligibility of the DWD's WIOA Titles I-A and I-B Policy & Procedure Manual.

Every training institution seeking to add one or more training programs to Wisconsin's ETPL must first meet the following Institution Minimum Requirements:

  1. the institution is an eligible institution type;
  2. the institution is a direct provider of training services that have a vocational objective;
  3. the institution has a current, verifiable Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN);
  4. the institution has a current, verifiable Federal Unique Entity ID;
  5. the institution has an active registration on SAM.gov and is not federally debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in federal programs or activities (NOTE: registering on SAM.gov is free);
  6. the institution is not a delinquent taxpayer with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue;
  7. the institution has an Officer that the DWD can identify through sources other than the Institution Application and applicant;
  8. AND
  9. the Officer agrees to and electronically signs Wisconsin's ETPL Agreement within 60 days of the date the institution submitted its application to join the ETPL.

If the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) determines the training institution meets the Institution Minimum Requirements, the DWD next classifies the institution as either a "Standard" or "Alternate" institution.

A Standard institution is one that meets at least one of the following standard eligibility criteria:

  • it is part of the University of Wisconsin System, the Wisconsin Technical College System, or the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities;
  • it is a public out-of-state university, technical college, or community college;
  • it is a fully accredited tribal college or university; OR
  • it is an out-of-state institution providing distance education that is approved by the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA) and it will include only distance education programs on Wisconsin's ETPL.

An Alternate is any type of training institution that is not a Standard institution. An Alternate institution must:

  • demonstrate, when applicable, that it has approval or licensure by the appropriate state-level regulatory authority to provide the training program at issue. This means that an institution subject to the Wisconsin's Educational Approval Program (EAP) regulatory authority must demonstrate it has secured approval from the EAP before the DWD can determine its program is eligible for Wisconsin's ETPL. This also means that an institution that is required to obtain approval or licensure by another Wisconsin state agency or board - in addition to, or in lieu of, the EAP - must demonstrate it has secured such approval or licensure before the DWD can determine its program is eligible for Wisconsin's ETPL. When applicable, the DWD follows internal procedures in an attempt to ensure training institutions are compliant with state approval or licensing requirements.
  • submit an exemption letter from the EAP if the institution is NOT subject to the EAP's regulatory oversight nor the regulatory oversight of any other Wisconsin state agency or board.

    NOTE: This resource shows some of the more common examples of Wisconsin state agencies that regulate training programs. The DWD cannot advise institutions on the appropriate approvals or licensures it must obtain from other Wisconsin state agencies or boards.

With some exceptions, if an Alternate institution is not regulated by the EAP or another Wisconsin state agency or board, the institution must attest to this and meet all of the following before a program can be determined eligible for Wisconsin's ETPL:

  • the institution meets all requirements in Wis. Stats. Ch. 180. The DWD verifies on the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions' (DFI) website that the institution is registered and current with its organizational filings. If the institution is exempt from the requirement of obtaining a Certificate of Authority from DFI, the institution must supply documentation showing that it qualifies for the exemption.
  • the institution is current on all Wisconsin unemployment insurance tax obligations.
  • the institution is compliant with worker's compensation insurance coverage requirements as outlined in Wis. Stats. Ch. 102.
  • the institution submits one letter of support from an employer that is on the employer's official letterhead and contains the following:
    • the name and address of the employer,
    • a date, including the year,
    • identification of the Alternate institution and the specific training program(s) offered by that institution that the employer supports,
    • a statement from the employer that demonstrates its history of or experience with hiring students who complete the training program and/or the employer's desire to hire students who complete the training program,
    • a signature - physical or digital - from an employer representative who is in a leadership position with the employer (e.g., owner, president, vice president, director or other executive), and
    • the job title of the signatory.

DWD will determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether these additional eligibility criteria apply. For example, some types of training institutions and/or programs are regulated by federal agencies or authorities and, as a result, may be determined to be excepted from these additional eligibility requirements.

The following types of programs are ineligible for Wisconsin's ETPL:

  • those that are avocational or recreational in nature and not leading to a vocational objective;
  • those that are parochial or denominational in character and/or have a sectarian objective;
  • those that are conducted by employers exclusively for their employees;
  • those that are considered on-the-job-training, customized training, incumbent worker training, internships, work experience, or transitional jobs as defined by the WIOA;
  • those that are primarily focused on offering career services as addressed in 20 CFR ยง 678.430;
  • those that are designed or tailored for one specific person that are not available for others to take;
  • those that constitute the related-instruction component of a youth apprenticeship program;
  • AND
  • those that are offered free of charge.

The institution will need to supply institution-level information and program-level information for each program it is seeking to include on Wisconsin's ETPL. Approvers and Editors for the institution submit this information through the ETPL Provider Portal. The fields for required information are marked with a red asterisk (*) and portal users are not able to submit applications or publish programs until they have completed those fields. Portal users will receive a prompt in the portal if they need to upload supporting documentation for a field.

One thing worth noting is that, for each training program an institution is seeking to include on Wisconsin's ETPL, a portal user for the institution must submit individual-level information for all students who were recently enrolled in the program and those who are currently enrolled in the program.


For each training program an institution would like included on Wisconsin's ETPL, the institution must provide certain information about the students who have been recently enrolled in and who are currently enrolled in the training program. The institution must submit this information to the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) via a csv. file, using the required template.

The table, below, lists all fields on that template. Fields with a "Y" in the "Required" column mean that the information must be completed for each student listed in the file. The "Field Format" column provides instruction on how the information is to be entered in the file.

When an institution is first seeking to add a training program to Wisconsin's ETPL, it must submit the required individual-level student information for all students enrolled in the training program for each of the three most recently completed program years. During the Continued Eligibility Period, the institution must also submit the required individual-level student information for all students enrolled in the training program for the program year that just ended. Once a portal user uploads the completed template in the ETPL Provider Portal, it cannot be accessed by any of the institution's portal users.

By signing Wisconsin's ETPL Agreement, your institution is agreeing to provide this information. If your institution is unable to fully and accurately share the information required in the individual-level student file, it is unable to participate on Wisconsin's ETPL. Intentionally submitting false or inaccurate information in the individual-level student file is considered a substantial violation under the WIOA. If the DWD determines the institution committed a substantial violation, the institution and all of its training programs will be banned from participating on Wisconsin's ETPL for a minimum of two years, and the institution is liable to repay WIOA Title I funds it received.

Field Name Required Field Format
First Name Y Letters Only
Middle Initial N Letters Only
Last Name Y Letters Only
Suffix N Letters Only
Social Security Number (SSN) N Numbers Only: XXXXXXXXX
Do not include dashes
Gender/Sex Y M or F or O
Date of Birth (DOB) Y MM/DD/YYYY
Actual Program Start Date Y MM/DD/YYYY
Actual Program End Date Y, if applicable MM/DD/YYYY or No Value
Program Completed Y, if applicable * Y or N or No Value
Program Withdrew Y, if applicable * Y or N or No Value
Transferred to Another Program Y, if applicable * Y or N or No Value
Attained a Recognized Postsecondary Credential During the Program Y, if applicable * Y or N or No Value
Attained a Secondary School Diploma or its Recognized Equivalent During the Program Y, if applicable * Y or N or No Value
Attained a Secondary School Diploma or its Recognized Equivalent Within One Year of Completing the Program Y, if applicable * Y or N or No Value

* These fields are only required when the individual has an "Actual Program End Date" entered in the file.

The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) requires institutions applying for and participating on Wisconsin's ETPL to complete a student file, using this template, so it can comply with its federal reporting and publishing requirements. Under the WIOA, the DWD must report to the U.S. Department of Labor verifiable performance data for all students, including employment and wage data, for each training program published on Wisconsin's ETPL. The DWD must also publish aggregated metrics about students' program completion rates, employment outcomes and earnings on Wisconsin's ETPL so WIOA program participants can make informed choices when selecting a training program that will be funded (in whole or part) by the WIOA program.

The DWD uses the individual-level student information supplied by your institution to comply with these federal requirements. The student information is used to generate employment and wage outcomes using state unemployment insurance data. Only aggregated performance outcomes are reported to the U.S. Department of Labor and published on Wisconsin's ETPL.

The Institution has no rights to the individual-level employment and wage outcomes generated by the DWD.

There are three exceptions to this requirement:

  1. Institutions that are part of Wisconsin's Technical College System (WTCS) do not submit individual-level information for all students if the program is recognized by the WTCS Central Office (i.e., the WTCS Office has assigned the program a unique identification number). The WTCS Central Office directly provides the DWD with the needed student information for these programs.
  2. Registered Apprenticeship programs do not provide individual-level information for all students since the WIOA excludes these types of programs from this requirement.
  3. Training programs that did not have any students enrolled in or participating in the training program during the program year at issue. In this scenario, a portal user for the institution will need to indicate this is the case in the ETPL Provider Portal. To do this, the portal user must navigate to the "Performance" tab on the Manage Programs page for the training program and select "No" for the program year at issue.

For each program, the institution must include all students who were enrolled in the training program for the specified program year.

The ETPL Provider Portal prompts your institution to complete the template for the program year that runs July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. During that period, your institution had 20 students enrolled in the program. When you complete the template, there needs to be 21 rows of data; the first row is always the column headings, while each row below the column headings represents one of the students enrolled in the training program.

If a student's enrollment ended at any point during the specified program year, they still must be included. Enter the date the student's enrollment ended in the field for "Actual Program End Date." Indicate the reason the enrollment ended by marking a "Y" in the column "Completed," "Withdrew," or "Transferred." If the student's enrollment did not end during the specified program year, leave the "Actual Program End Date" field blank for that student.

No. The ETPL Provider Portal will not accept completed templates where the template has been modified - this includes changing the headings in row 1 of the template and/or adding or removing columns to the template. Portal users will receive an error message if they try to submit a completed template that has been modified.

The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) uses students' Social Security Numbers (SSNs) to verify employment and wage outcomes so it can comply with its federal reporting requirements under the WIOA. The DWD uses its Unemployment Insurance database as well as the State Wage Interchange System to gather these outcomes and, currently, using SSNs is the only way the DWD can complete this verification process. The DWD cannot verify employment and wage outcomes for students whose SSN is not provided in the completed template. If the institution does not supply a student's SSN, the DWD must consider that student's employment and wage outcomes to be "0." If the completed template contains some but not all of the students' SSNs, the DWD will report aggregated metrics for those outcomes based on the SSNs that were supplied.

Institutions submit the completed template for each required program year in the ETPL Provider Portal by navigating to the Manage Programs page (select that option on the blue ribbon at the top of the page), selecting the program of interest, and then selecting the "Performance" tab for that program.

In the ETPL Provider Portal, Approvers and Editors upload the completed templates in the "Performance" tab on the Manage Programs page for a given training program. When the institution is first adding a new program, the Approver or Editor completing this tab will be prompted to enter the Program Establishment Date. This date marks the month, day, and year that the training institution first began offering the program. The Program Establishment Date field cannot be edited once the Approver or Editor completing the tab has acknowledged it as correct.

Once the Program Establishment Date field is completed, the ETPL Provider Portal will prompt the user to upload the completed template(s) and the specific program year(s) for which an upload is required.


  1. A staff member with the training institution submits an Institution Application through the ETPL Provider Portal.
    • To do this, the staff member uses their MyWisconsin ID account to log in to the portal.

      If the staff member does not already have a MyWisconsin ID account, they must take the following steps to create one:

      1. Click the orange "Login" button at the top right corner of the ETPL Provider Portal homepage to be navigated to the MyWisconsin ID Sign In page.
      2. On the MyWisconsin ID Sign In page, click the "Sign Up" link.
      For screenshots and instructions of the MyWisconsin ID registration process, please visit the MyWisconsin ID Self Registration page.
    • After the staff member creates their MyWisconsin ID account, they will automatically be redirected to the ETPL Provider Portal where they will need to select either the "New Portal User" option or the "Existing Portal User" option. Staff members would be an "Existing Portal User" if they accessed their portal account before December 11, 2024.
    • The staff member will then be directed to the Institution Application & Staff Registration Page. The staff member must follow the instructions on that page for "Submitting an Institution Application."
  2. The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) reviews the Institution Application to determine whether the institution meets the Institution Minimum Requirements. This includes the DWD staff independently verifying the identity of an institution Officer and having the Officer electronically sign Wisconsin's ETPL Agreement. The Officer will receive an email from Parley Pro with the link to the agreement. In the ETPL Agreement, the Officer designates up to five institution staff to serve as Approvers within the ETPL Provider Portal. If the DWD cannot independently verify the identity of an Officer, the institution cannot be approved for Wisconsin's ETPL and the DWD will notify the applicant by email.
  3. If the institution meets the Institution Minimum Requirements, the DWD classifies the institution as either "Standard" or "Alternate." An institution's classification dictates whether it will need to submit program applications for each training program it would like included on Wisconsin's ETPL.
    • A Standard institution can publish one or more training programs to Wisconsin's ETPL through the ETPL Provider Portal if it supplies all required information for each program, including the individual-level information for all students (if applicable). Standard institutions do not submit program applications to the DWD.
    • An Alternate institution must submit a Program Application to the DWD through the ETPL Provider Portal for each training program it would like added to Wisconsin's ETPL. The DWD will determine if the training program meets the alternate eligibility requirements. If the training program does, the institution will be notified that it can publish the program to Wisconsin's ETPL once it supplies all required information for the program, including the individual-level information for all students (if applicable), in the ETPL Provider Portal.

      NOTE: Meeting the Institution Minimum Requirements alone will not result in an institution or its program(s) being added to Wisconsin's ETPL. The institution's ETPL Provider Portal users must take steps to add one or more programs.

  4. After the DWD approves the Institution Application, institution staff must register with their institution in the ETPL Provider Portal.
    • Staff without a MyWisconsin ID account must create one to access the ETPL Provider Portal. (NOTE: the staff member who submitted the Institution Application already has a MyWisconsin ID account and should use that.)
    • To create a MyWisconsin ID account, click the orange "Login" button at the top right corner of the ETPL Provider Portal homepage to be navigated to the MyWisconsin ID Sign In page. On the MyWisconsin ID Sign In page, click the "Sign Up" link. For screenshots and instructions of the MyWisconsin ID registration process, please visit the MyWisconsin ID Self Registration page.
    • After creating a MyWisconsin ID account, the staff member will be redirected to the ETPL Provider Portal where they will need to select either the "New Portal User" option or the "Existing Portal User" option.
    • The staff member will then be directed to the Institution Application & Staff Registration page. The staff member must follow the instructions on that page for "Registering as an ETPL Provider Portal User with Your Institution."

      NOTE: At least one of the Approvers identified in the institution's signed ETPL Agreement must register with their institution in the ETPL Provider Portal before an institution can add any programs to Wisconsin's ETPL.

  5. The DWD staff or the institution's Approver(s) grant or deny the staff member's registration request.
    • The DWD grants Approver access for staff identified by the institution's Officer.
    • Institution Approvers grant or deny Editor access for all other staff who submit registration requests.
    The staff member who submitted the registration request will receive a system-generated email notifying them if their access was granted or denied and next steps if access was granted.
  6. If the staff member's registration with the institution is approved, the staff member logs on to the ETPL Provider Portal to manage sites, contacts, and program information. A Standard institution can publish one or more training programs to Wisconsin's ETPL through the ETPL Provider Portal if it supplies all required information for each program. An Alternate institution must submit a Program Application to the DWD through the ETPL Provider Portal for each training program it would like added to Wisconsin's ETPL.

There is no specific timeframe. The ETPL Team processes applications in the order they are received and as other work priorities permit. Sometimes a delay in processing an application will occur because the DWD is waiting for the institution to supply information or sign the ETPL agreement.


Once logged in to the ETPL Provider Portal, Approvers and Editors manage the institution's programs by clicking the "Manage Programs" option on the blue ribbon at the top of the page. This will navigate users to the Manage Programs page.

  • The Manage Programs page lists all of the institution's program records that have been added to the ETPL Provider Portal. Before adding a new program, Approvers and Editors are instructed to first search the list of existing programs. If the program of interest is not in the list, then Approvers and Editors can take steps to add the program.
  • To add a new program, Approvers and Editors first click the "Add Program" button on the bottom right of the page. The user will then enter the Program Name and click the "Continue" button. At this point, a bar with multiple tabs appears. Select each tab to access different program information fields.
  • Approvers and Editors will see the following tabs: "General Info," "Outcomes," "Sites," "Contacts," "Cost Info," "Performance," and "Upload Documents."

    NOTE: Approvers and Editors with Alternate institutions will also see an "Eligibility" tab. This tab must be completed first so the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) can make an eligibility determination for the program. If the DWD determines that the program meets the alternate eligibility criteria, Approvers and Editors receive a system-generated email notifying them that they may complete the other tabs for the program and publish the program to Wisconsin's ETPL website.

  • Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required and must be filled out before the program can be published on Wisconsin's ETPL.
  • If prompted to upload a document, Approvers and Editors must navigate to the "Upload Documents" tab to do so.
  • In the "General Info" tab, Approvers and Editors must enter a CIP Code. To do this, users can type the program's occupational goal in the text box and select an appropriate option or users can click the "CIP Code List" button and select an appropriate CIP code from the list. Approvers and Editors must also select at least one Related Occupation. To do this, users type the program's occupational goal in the text box and click the "Search" button. Select an option from the dropdown menu and then click the "Add O*NET" button.
  • In the "Outcomes" tab, Approvers and Editors must mark at least one field as "Yes" on this tab. The "Name of Associated Credential" field at the bottom of the page is required if "Yes" is selected for any option other than: Employment; Measurable Skill Gain Leading to a Credential; or Measurable Skill Gain Leading to Employment.

    NOTE: The DWD reserves the right to change the information an institution supplies in the "Outcomes" tab so that program outcomes displayed on Wisconsin's ETPL for a program accurately align with the WIOA's requirements and guidance.

  • The sites listed on the "Sites" tab are created and managed on the Manage Sites page (located on the blue ribbon at the top of the page). To assign one or more sites to a program, select the green "plus" icon. To unassign the site, select the red "minus" icon.
  • Any contacts listed on the "Contacts" tab have already been assigned to this program. Approvers and Editors previously created these contacts on the Manage Contacts page (located on the blue ribbon at the top of the page). To assign a new contact to the program, click the "Add" button and then select the green "plus" icon. To unassign a contact, select the "trash can' icon. Contacts can be for the training program, disability accommodations, and/or language accommodations.
  • Certain documents uploaded in the "Upload Documents" tab for a program will be displayed on the Wisconsin's ETPL when the program is published. Never upload any personally identifiable information about students (such as names, dates of birth, or other sensitive information) in the "Upload Documents" tab.

Once logged in to the ETPL Provider Portal, Approvers and Editors manage the institution's site(s) by clicking the "Manage Sites" option on the blue ribbon at the top of the page. This will navigate users to the Manage Sites page.

  • Sites are the physical locations where the institution's programs take place (if applicable).
  • The Manage Sites page lists all of the institution's sites that have been added to the ETPL Provider Portal. To add a new site, Approvers and Editors click the "Add" button on the bottom right of the page, enter the required information, and then click the "Save" button. Approvers and Editors may edit any of the sites' information by clicking the "Edit" button.
  • To activate or inactivate a site, Approvers and Editors click the "Active/Inactive" button.
  • Once a site is created and activated here, Approvers and Editors can assign it to one or more programs when completing the "Sites" tab on the Manage Programs page. To unassign a site listed for a program, navigate to the Manage Programs page, select the program of interest, select the "Sites" tab.
  • Sites assigned to a program(s) published on Wisconsin's ETPL cannot be inactivated. An Approver or Editor will need to unassign the site from all published programs before it can be inactivated.

Once logged in to the ETPL Provider Portal, Approvers and Editors manage the institution's contact(s) by clicking the "Manage Contacts" option on the blue ribbon at the top of the page. This will navigate users to the Manage Contacts page.

  • There are three types of contacts - program contacts, disability accommodation contacts, and language accommodation contacts.
  • The Manage Contacts page lists all of the institution's contacts that have been added to the ETPL Provider Portal. To add a new contact, Approvers and Editors click the "Add" button on the bottom right of the page, enter the required information, and then click the "Save" button. Approvers and Editors may edit any of the contacts' information by clicking the "Edit" button.
  • To activate or inactivate a contact, Approvers and Editors click the "Active/Inactive" button.
  • Once a contact is created and activated here, Approvers and Editors can assign it to one or more programs when completing the "Contacts" tab on the Manage Programs page. To unassign a contact listed for a program, navigate to the Manage Programs page, select the program of interest, and select the "Contacts" tab.
  • Contacts assigned to a program(s) published on Wisconsin's ETPL cannot be inactivated. An Approver or Editor will need to unassign the contact from all published programs before it can be inactivated.

Approvers and Editors should keep information, including changes in program costs, current. Approvers and Editors for an institution can update most program fields in the ETPL Provider Portal while the program is published on Wisconsin's ETPL. If an Approver or Editor has any questions about updating fields, they should send them to detetpl@dwd.wisconsin.gov.


Continued Eligibility is the annual renewal process for institutions participating on Wisconsin's ETPL. Each year, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) performs Continued Eligibility between July 1 and August 31. During this period, an Approver or Editor for the institution must submit the required individual-level student information for all students who were enrolled in the training program for the program year that just ended. This is done in the ETPL Provider Portal for each program that was published on Wisconsin's ETPL for some or all of the program year. An Approver or Editor uploads the completed template for the program by navigating to the Manage Programs page, selecting the program of interest, and then clicking the "Performance" tab for that program. On that tab, the new program year (with start and end dates) will be shown. The Approver or Editor will select the "Yes" option if students were enrolled in the program during the specified timeframe or the "No" option if no students were enrolled. If students were enrolled, the Approver or Editor will select the "Upload" button to upload the completed template. More information about how to properly complete the template is found on this webpage under the heading "INDIVIDUAL-LEVEL STUDENT INFORMATION." Under the first question in that section, you will find a table that shows which fields in the template are required and the field format rules.

During Continued Eligibility, the DWD also verifies that your institution and any of its published programs remain eligible for Wisconsin's ETPL.

For the Institution Minimum Requirements this means your institution:

  • will still need an active registration on SAM.gov (if your institution's registration is no longer active, your institution will need to take steps to renew it; SAM.gov registration must be renewed each year to remain active and compliant)
  • AND
  • must not be a delinquent taxpayer with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

For training programs offered by Standard institutions, this means that the institution continues to meet at least one of the standard eligibility criteria.

For training programs offered by Alternate institutions, this means that each program published on Wisconsin's ETPL continues to have approval or licensure by the appropriate state-level regulatory authority. In cases where an institution has a program that was previously determined by DWD to be unregulated by a Wisconsin state agency or board, the institution must continue to be registered and current with its organizational filings, the institution must continue to be current on its Wisconsin unemployment insurance tax obligations, and the institution must continue to be compliant with worker's compensation insurance coverage requirements.

For more information about ETPL eligibility requirements, please check out the information under "What are Wisconsin's ETPL eligibility criteria?"

Your institution's Officer, Approver(s), and any Editors, will receive system-generated emails each June, July and August, reminding them about the upcoming Continued Eligibility period.

An institution with a program published at any point during the program year at issue is subject to Continued Eligibility. There are no exceptions to this requirement.

If an institution fails Continued Eligibility because the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) determines it no longer meets the Institution Minimum Requirements, the DWD will remove all of its published programs from Wisconsin's ETPL. If an institution's program fails Continued Eligibility because the DWD determines it does not meet program eligibility requirements, the DWD will remove just that program from Wisconsin's ETPL.

The DWD will send an email notification to the Officer and all of the institution's active Approvers and Editors when an institution fails Continued Eligibility either at the institution- or program-level.


The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) denies and terminates ETPL eligibility for the reasons set forth in its ETPL Eligibility Denials and Terminations policy.

Yes. If an institution believes that the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) wrongfully denied or terminated ETPL eligibility, then the institution may file an appeal. To appeal, the institution will need to follow the instructions the DWD provides in its denial or termination email to the institution. More information about the appeals procedure can be found in the DWD's ETPL Appeals policy.

Yes. If the denial or termination is related to the Institution Application, the institution may submit a new Institution Application once it has addressed the reason giving rise to the denial or termination. If the institution is an "Alternate" and a Program Application was denied or terminated, the institution may submit a new Program Application once it has addressed the reason giving rise to the denial or termination.


Yes. Under the WIOA, registered apprenticeships (RA) are automatically eligible for a state's ETPL so long as the sponsor and the provider of the classroom / related instruction component are not suspended or debarred from participating in federal programs or activities.

RA sponsors that are registered with Wisconsin's Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (BAS) should email Apprenticeship@dwd.wisconsin.gov if they are interested in joining Wisconsin's ETPL. The BAS will use information it has on file to add the sponsor and its registered apprenticeship program(s) to Wisconsin's ETPL, but it may request additional information, such as any requirements the sponsor may have for program entry (e.g., must be an employee with the sponsor).

RA sponsors registered with another state's apprenticeship agency or the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship must complete and submit an Institution Application through the ETPL Provider Portal. The individual completing the application should select "Registered Apprenticeship" for the field asking about institution type.

Apprentices who are enrolled in the WIOA Adult Program or the WIOA Dislocated Worker Program may qualify for tuition assistance towards the classroom / related instruction component of the registered apprenticeship program.


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act


An Approver is an individual designated by the Officer to control ETPL Provider Portal Editor access for the Institution. An Approver grants and denies Editor access through the ETPL Provider Portal. An Approver can also add new programs, edit certain program information fields, and remove programs through the ETPL Provider Portal at any time, on behalf of the Institution.


An Editor is an individual who can add new programs, edit certain program information fields, and remove programs at any time, on behalf of the Institution.


The Officer, for purposes of the ETPL, means the individual who, acting on behalf of the institution, is authorized to (1) sign the ETPL Agreement and (2) designate individuals who manage ETPL Provider Portal user access for the institution.

The training institution's Officer is typically an owner, president, vice president, other executive-level representative of the institution, board director, provost, chancellor, or dean.


Trade Adjustment Assistance Act

Vocational objective

Vocational objective means leading to proficiency in performing tasks and technical functions related to or required by a specific occupational field.

program year

A program year starts July 1 and ends June 30.

Continued Eligibility

Continued Eligibility occurs every year between July 1 and August 31.

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