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Effective date: September 23, 2019
Equal opportunity data must be collected for all individuals who indicate an interest in being considered for WIOA Title I services;1 therefore, DWD-DET requires local WDBs and their service providers to do the following:2
Note: To allow service providers to create an ASSET record and add services without gathering all of the participant data needed to complete the Program tab, DWD-DET has added a "Reportable Individual Only" checkbox to the Program tab in ASSET. When that box is checked, career planners are able to open services that do not cause participation, including Eligibility Determination, without filling out the entire Program tab.
DWD-DET recommends that local WDBs and their service providers refer any applicants who are not eligible for a WIOA Title I program to other program(s) that might meet their needs.
Local WDBs and their service providers must request social security numbers (SSNs) from Title I participants.5 Accordingly, DWD-DET requires that all Title I application forms request an SSN. When an SSN is requested, applicants must be informed, in writing, of the requestor's authority and purpose for requesting the SSN.6
DWD-DET recommends the following language be included on all Title I application forms:
Note: Individuals cannot be denied services for choosing not to provide their SSN.7