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WIOA Title I-A & I-B Policy & Procedure Manual

Assessment Guidance

Assessment is a systematic approach to gathering information about the participant’s strengths and assets, needs and challenges, interests, and goals. This information, in turn, guides the development of the participant’s individual employment plan (IEP) and all other case management activities. As such, assessment is considered the foundation of effective case management. Career planners must understand and use the various assessments available, interpret the results of multiple assessments, and translate the information obtained through the assessment process into a plan of action.1

Career planners should understand which assessments will most effectively address different customer situations. This will often depend upon the background and characteristics of individual participants, that is, on factors such as their educational attainment, life, and work experience (including volunteer or extracurricular pursuits), and whether or not their existing skills and competencies are still in demand in their regional economy.2

The purpose of assessments is to help identify the participant's employment goals and service needs. Using multiple assessments to measure skills, abilities, and other job-relevant characteristics contributes to "whole person assessment," which provides a solid basis for individuals to make important career development decisions. Using more information about an individual enables the job seeker and potential employers to get a more valid, fair, and complete picture of the individual's skills and strengths and, therefore, to make better career, workforce investment, and employment decisions. To get the best results, career planners need to select the appropriate instruments for use with specific participants based on their characteristics, such as educational attainment, work experience, and career goals.3

There are four main objectives for the use of assessments within the workforce system:

  1. exploring career options and person-career matches to ensure that individuals undertake skills preparation that is suited to their existing level of readiness, as well as their aptitudes, abilities, and informed career goals;
  2. identifying barriers and/or skills gaps and education needs to ensure that individuals develop the skills and competencies that are in demand by high-growth businesses and industries;
  3. referring qualified candidates to available job openings;
  4. promoting the attainment of industry-recognized credentials to ensure that candidates referred to business and industry partners are qualified for those positions.4

The following guidelines outline the foundation for conducting productive, high-quality assessments:

Initial Assessment Examples

Career planners can capture the Initial Assessment details via informal assessment tools. Things to consider include:

Comprehensive and Specialized Assessment Examples

Comprehensive and Specialized Assessments are tools that career planners can use to help individuals bridge the skills and/or needs gap that may keep them from obtaining high-growth jobs. Career planners can capture the Comprehensive Assessment details via informal and formal assessment tools.

Assessments to consider providing for participants include, but are not limited to:

Career planners identify service needs, including supportive services, when reviewing assessments, participant statements, and income documentation. Although participants may believe they do not need supportive services, their current situations may change. Potential needs identified during the comprehensive assessment (recorded in ASSET Assessments) may reduce future IEP review efforts.

Some examples of potential participant supportive service needs include:

Some employers and counselors use personality inventories to learn about an individual's personal, emotional, and social traits and behaviors. Personality assessments designed for use in employment settings evaluate such characteristics as motivation, conscientiousness, self-confidence, and how well an employee might get along with co-workers.

Research has shown that personality tests, in conjunction with other assessments, can be helpful in career guidance and for some training and development programs. For example, if a client is considering a career in customer service, a personality inventory that includes a measure of introversion/extroversion can provide helpful information about that individual's suitability for working with people. A personality inventory that assesses leadership potential might be used to select individuals for a career development program in a managerial track.

Personality tests fall into two general categories: vocational and clinical instruments.13

Vocationally oriented instruments ask clients to check off or rate items that best describe themselves. These may be used to evaluate such characteristics as motivation, conscientiousness, self-confidence, or how well an individual might get along with co-workers.14

Clinical instruments are designed to screen for psychopathology. They can be either general purpose measures that produce scores on several scales or they can be specific purpose measures that screen for narrow types of pathology such as depression or eating disorders.

Clinical instruments are usually not appropriate for career counseling or development because they have been devised to detect psychopathology, not to assess job-relevant characteristics.15

Participants may consider these tests an invasion of privacy as they ask personal questions that are not directly relevant to job or training performance.16

For additional guidance, see the resource box: Testing and Assessment: A Guide to Good Practices for Workforce Investment Professionals for additional guidance.

Case Management

Case management is broadly defined as one-on-one assistance or individual counseling focused on providing support and information to assist individuals with immediate and long-term goal achievement. Case management delivery will vary and is tailored to meet the needs of each participant.

WIOA: A Research Evidence Scan of Key Strategies Related to WIOA (

Formal and Informal Assessments

Formal Assessments are:

  • Standardized Instruments;
  • Tested for reliability and validity;
  • Scores can be compared across populations;
  • Have set guidelines for administering, scoring, and interpreting.

Examples may include:

  • Achievement Tests
  • Intelligence Tests
  • Interest inventories
  • Aptitude Test

Informal Assessments are:

  • Not standardized
  • Lack of formal reliability and validity measures
  • No comparison with others

Examples may include:

  • Interviews (in-depth)
  • Questionnaires (enrollment forms)
  • Observations
  • Evaluations
  • Surveys

Formal and Informal Assessments – Maryland State Department of Education (

Transferrable Skills

Transferrable skills are any skills acquired during any activity– previous jobs, military experience, education/training, projects, parenting, volunteer work, hobbies, etc. – which may be relevant and transferrable for use in a new job. While the primary focus is generally on skills garnered during past employment, other life experiences may also be pertinent and should be considered. There is no time limitation for the currency of educational or work skills, and they do not expire after a set number of years. It is essential to take a realistic view of the participant's skills and determine whether they may be relevant to today's labor market positions, even if a refresher may be needed.

Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Handbook | U.S. Department of Labor (


Psychopathology is the study of psychological and behavioral dysfunction occurring in mental illness or in social disorganization.

Psychopathology Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster