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7.8.1 Overview

Effective date: September 2, 2019 to January 19, 2020

Under WIOA, registered apprenticeship programs are automatically eligible to be included on the state's ETPL because of the extensive vetting process they undergo to become registered.1 Sponsors of registered apprenticeship programs operating within the state must be informed of their automatic eligibility to be included on the state's ETPL and must be able to join with minimal burden.2 A registered apprenticeship program can only be added to the state's ETPL if the program sponsor has consented to its inclusion on the list.3

Note: Automatic eligibility does not apply to pre-apprenticeship programs4 or non-registered apprenticeships.5 Such programs must adhere to the state's initial and continued eligibility requirements.6

The state must develop and implement a procedure addressing how it will contact all registered apprenticeship program sponsors within the state, inform them of their automatic ETPL eligibility privileges, and let them know how to communicate their consent to have their programs placed on the ETPL.7 The procedure must be developed in coordination with the state's director within the federal Office of Apprenticeship or the state's apprenticeship agency – if the state directly oversees its registered apprenticeship programs.8 As part of the procedure, the state must also decide how frequently it will identify newly registered programs; DOL recommends that this be done at least quarterly or bi-annually.9

A registered apprenticeship program remains on the ETPL as long as it is registered;10 however it will be removed when:

  1. the program sponsor notifies the state it wishes to have the program removed;11
  2. it is determined that the program sponsor committed a substantial violation;12

  3. the sponsor and/or the provider of the classroom component of the program becomes suspended or debarred from participating in federal programs or activities.13

The state must verify the registration status of each registered apprenticeship program on the state's ETPL at least every two years.

The local WDBs and their service providers can use an Individual Training Account (ITA) to fund the occupational skills training (i.e., classroom) portion of a registered apprenticeship program listed on the ETPL.14