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A DVR Training Grant (TG) is a grant that may be offered to eligible DVR consumers who have employment training goals that require attending a college, university, technical college, or vocational training program that offers federal financial aid.
The training grant amount will depend on your remaining financial need after financial aid is determined based on information you entered in your FAFSA, not to exceed $6,000.00. You can submit an Exception Request if you feel you require more funds than the DVR Training Grant (TG). However, be aware that additional funds can cause an over award and a potential need for repayment to the school.
Full-time attendance is encouraged, but if you are an eligible part-time student, you may receive up to $250 per credit.
Follow the steps in the "Responsibility Checklist for DVR Consumers Applying for a DVR Training Grant (TG)" document that has been provided to you by your DVR Case Manager. You are responsible for making sure that all of the steps are completed.
Before the term begins, you will need to provide a copy of your schedule. After the term ends, you will need to provide a copy of your grades. Upon graduation, you will need to provide proof of graduation, such as a copy of your diploma.
Note: DVR cannot process a DVR Training Grant (TG) for you without all of the required documentation.
Talk to your DVR Case Manager. Your counselor will use the financial aid information supplied by your school to calculate your training grant total.
For information on applying for financial aid, you can talk to your high school counselor or contact the financial aid office of the college or university you plan to attend. You can also complete a Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) at Apply for Financial Aid.
If you would like to be considered for a DVR Training Grant (TG), you should apply for financial aid as soon as possible after October 1 of the previous year. It is not necessary to have completed your taxes to complete a FAFSA. Applying later may cause delays that could negatively affect your eligibility for a DVR Training Grant (TG).
DVR cannot consider you for a DVR Training Grant (TG) if you have not applied for financial aid. Our federal regulations require that students make a maximum effort to obtain all benefits comparable to those offered by DVR, and financial aid is considered a comparable benefit.
If you choose to take student loans, your DVR Training Grant (TG) may be reduced to ensure that you do not get an over-award.
If a student has concerns related to their grant amount(s) or school costs, they should go back to the Financial Aid Office (FAO) to discuss possible changes to their FAFSA information and/or budget. FAOs might adjust the cost of attendance to reflect the consumer's specific circumstances and increase the budget amounts. This could allow for additional funds to be made available by financial aid, or DVR could cover those costs. FAOs might also not increase the budget, and in those instances, DVR can review the request and consider additional funding for the student via an exception request.
If you get an over-award, you will have to pay back the extra money you received, even if you have already spent it.
DVR cannot consider you for a DVR Training Grant (TG) if you do not agree to let DVR and your school share information about your financial aid and training grant eligibility.
If you are eligible for a training grant and are attending an in-state public school or an accredited private school, DVR will send your school a check. The full amount of your training grant will be divided into equal payments by academic year terms (semesters, quarters, etc.). For example, if your school's academic year is divided into two semesters, your DVR Training Grant (TG) will be divided into two equal payments, paid after the census date or confirmation date designated by your school (usually 10-15 days into the term). Before your second term can be paid, either you or the school must provide a copy of your grade report to DVR for the previous semester/quarter.
To receive a listing of in-state accredited private schools, visit: Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU).
DVR must support the lowest-cost option. However, if you are eligible for a training grant and are attending an out-of-state or non-accredited private school, DVR will send your school a purchase order. The school will send DVR an invoice to get a payment and your school will credit your student account. The full amount of your training grant will be divided into equal payments by terms (academic year, semesters, or quarters). For example, if your school's academic year is divided into two semesters, your DVR Training Grant (TG) will be divided into two equal payments and paid at the beginning of each semester.
Before you can get your training grant check for the second semester/quarter, you must provide documentation that you used the training grant to pay for your training and give your DVR Case Manager a copy of your grade report for the previous term and a copy of your schedule for the next term.
You should not count on receiving your training grant payment at the very start of the term. If DVR is paying your school directly, or if DVR is providing you with a direct payment, it is unknown if the funds will be available before you will need to purchase your books. Students should plan for and have funds available to pay for books. If DVR would provide funds in excess of the training grant, DVR would report the payment to your school and, as the student, you would have to pay the funds back to the school as an over-award. Each school has a different policy with regard to the purchase of books and use of financial aid for ttheir purpose. It is the student's responsibility to get information from financial aid about how best to purchase books. DVR may be able to make an exception and use the exception process for extraordinary circumstances, although these situations would be extremely rare. Ttheir policy is the same for students who receive SSI/SSDI..
You are encouraged to attend full-time and complete the course of studies within the time specified by the curriculum. If you are approved for extended attendance, DVR will provide payment for up to one extra semester or quarter for every year required by the curriculum.
Maximum allowances include:.
If there is a change in your life that makes it impossible for you to continue in your training program, talk to your DVR Case Manager immediately. Your counselor can work with you to make changes to your employment plan to help you achieve your employment goal.
If you think that there is a disability-related circumstance that will affect your training program, including the number of credits in which you are registered, speak with your DVR Case Manager immediately.