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September 2020
To provide staff with information on the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)'s On-the-Job Training (OJT) policy and procedure, and detailed required steps for authorizing and providing the service.
On a case-by-case basis, DVR can reimburse an employer for wages paid to a DVR consumer. This service is for employers who permanently hire DVR consumers who need assistance with learning job skills above and beyond what is needed for the average starting employee.
An OJT provides 50 percent reimbursement of wages to an employer who pays a permanently hired DVR consumer. The reimbursement is intended to assist the employer with costs of training the DVR consumer on skills necessary to work for the employer long-term.
When considering an OJT, before moving forward, DVR staff must cover each point below to ensure the consumer understands the information. Best practice is to document the outcome of the discussion related to each item.
The following must be considered before approving an OJT through DVR:
Before initiating an OJT, DVR staff must provide the consumer with information to make an informed choice about their need for an OJT and the need for the employer to receive training funds for up to 90 calendar days.
If the consumer agrees to participate, the DVR staff person:
Note: While a service provider may approach an employer to discuss the OJT and offer training funds, a DVR representative is responsible for negotiating and completing the OJT Hiring Initiative Agreement form with the employer.
NOTE: Employer's completed 30-Day Invoice and Progress Report will serve as an invoice.
NOTE: To set up a new employer in IRIS, please follow these fiscal instructions included in the Information for DVR Vendors and Statewide Service Providers guidance.
This authorization is for 50 percent of the wage costs associated with the paid training required for the permanent hire of the individual named above. A total of XX hours per week at an hourly rate of $XX is approved for this individual's training.