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In order to assure success, it is critical to first assess the support and receptiveness of the local community. "Community" may include one city and school or reach an entire regional, multiple city/school district area. Research the following questions:
The YA program requires a long-term commitment from employers, schools, and the community. Local leaders with persistence and vision are needed to successfully develop, implement, and maintain a YA program.
While state guidelines provide an overall framework for the YA program, the actual operating design is to be determined by the Steering Committee.
Complete a yearly application in order to operate an approved Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) YA program and receive funding
Develop procedures to establish local YA program operation details
for the following critical activities:
Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship Program Operations Manual 2025 (PDF)
Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship: Calendar of Activities & Responsibilities (PDF)