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DWD Future Vision

  1. We will base programs, policies, and service delivery on evidence.
  2. Because Wisconsin's people are served by our programs as a system, we will understand the DWD system's impact.
  3. To improve person and family centered outcomes, we will work as a DWD Team, leveraging and managing our collective data assets, and build evidence efficiently.
  4. We will build with the expressed goal of making data available for use, internally and externally, to define and implement better service delivery in the communities we serve.
  1. We will base programs, policies, and service delivery on evidence.

    This means:

    • In planning and implementation, we will state what problem we are overcoming, what the evidence says, and design evaluations to measure our experience.
    • If evidence does not exist, we will build it, starting with evaluation of our current, new and modified programs, and service delivery.
    • Learning Agendas provide organization and prioritization of long and short-term research and policy questions. When answered, our ability to deliver innovative, impactful, and inclusive programming improves. They also serve as a communication tool to identify and sponsor partnerships across the system.
    • Our roadmap for action will be the Federal "The Foundations for Evidence Based Policy Making Act 2018" and the approved federal implementation plan.
  2. Because Wisconsin's people are served by our programs as a system, we will understand the system's impact.

    This means we will:

    • Identify and describe how a single individual is served by the DWD's suite of programs.
    • Investigate how multiple DWD program services interact and collectively impact outcomes for individuals and programs.
    • Find service delivery strategies that work across multiple programs, and leverage funds to provide those strategies appropriately tailored to the people we serve.
    • Identify root cause issues that influence individual outcomes, as well local and regional economies. If outside our programmatic control, we will craft policies, recommend programs and support recommendations to address these root causes.
    • Ask questions about the system's equity. Use data in service of a system where all workers are entitled to high quality training and employment services that lead to equity in the workforce and career outcomes.
    • Support the technical infrastructure to make system thinking possible.
    • Support, encourage, and advocate for evidence building activities in the broader workforce and education systems.
  3. To improve person and family centered outcomes, we will work as a DWD Team, leveraging and managing our collective data assets, and build evidence efficiently.

    This means across the agency we will:

    • Leverage administrative data we have and use data partnerships to access other data needed for evidence building.
    • Leverage existing sources of statistical and evaluation expertise.
    • Make data partnerships easier to establish by training leadership and policy staff on the terminology and concepts of data sharing and data stewardship.
    • Prioritize data governance and enforce data steward standards to ensure data is trusted, understood, and used appropriately. Including
      • Protecting confidentiality
      • Maintaining an Inventory
      • Documenting
      • Applying Standards
    • Plan and commit resources, as a coordinated DWD effort, to support the data system providing evidence on how to best serve our clients.
  4. We will build with the expressed goal of making data available for use, internally and externally, to define and implement better service delivery in the communities we serve.

    This means we will:

    • Support data needs for public private grant opportunities developed by local community partners;
    • Engage in and or convene partnerships with the evidence building community when designing programs, policies, and service delivery;
    • Make our inventory, process and standards transparent.
    • Publish evidence.
    • Develop training for internal and external partners on sources of evidence, how to it use in program, policy and service delivery, ethical use of data, and program evaluation planning and implementation.
    • Convene partners and sponsor training to communicate how: evidence is shaped by system perspectives, to view data and data systems thru a lens of equity and inclusion, and to use data to support advocacy and partnerships that identify gaps, and build a more just, inclusive and equitable service delivery in the communities we serve across the state