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Wage Report File Upload Error List

External Error Number Error Message Corrective Action
200 Account Number must contain only numeric characters. Please review and correct the account number.
201 The Account Number provided could not be found in our system. Please review and correct the account number.
Also, check to ensure that account number field has not shifted out of position within the file.
202 Check digit does not match Account Number provided. Check Digit is the last character in the account number field.
Please review and correct the account number.
203 Cannot upload Wage Report to a Non-Profit Employer Account that has been Closed for a reason other than transferred. Please review to make sure you are submitting your wage report for the correct account and make the necessary corrections.
204 Employer account status is Closed or Preliminary Closed and the last payroll date is before the start date of the quarter being reported. Please review to make sure you are submitting your wage report for the correct account and make the necessary corrections.
205 Employee Wage Amount contains non-numeric characters. Please review and correct the wage amount so that it contains only numeric characters.
206 The Employer Record contains an invalid Record Code. The Record Code must be 01 in the WI UI Format. Please review and correct the Record Code.
207 The Employee Record contains an invalid Record Code. The Record Code must be 01 in the IRS/SSA Tape, Wisconsin UI, and Tab-Delimited Text File Formats. Please review and correct the Record Code.
208 The Employer Record contains an invalid State Code. The State Code must be 55 in the IRS SSA Tape Format.
209 The Employee Record contains an invalid State Code. The State Code must be 55 in the IRS SSA Tape Format.
210 Employee Last name is missing or contains numeric characters. Please review and correct, or provide, the employees last name.
211 Invalid year – year has to be either the current year or the previous three years. Please review and correct the year. Valid values for the year are current year or the previous three years.
212 Invalid Quarter value for your file type
Valid values for the quarter are
WI UI Format - 1, 2, 3, 4
IRS SSA Tape - 03, 06, 09, 12
IRS SSA Disk - 01, 02, 03, 04
Please replace the invalid quarter value with a value quarter value. Valid values for the quarter are:
WI UI Format - 1, 2, 3, 4
IRS SSA Tape - 03, 06, 09, 12
IRS SSA Disk - 01, 02, 03, 04
213 The wage report was uploaded as an Original wage report; however, a wage report already exists for the same quarter/year under this employer account number. You may only replace or append to existing wage reports. Please review the report to ensure you are submitting it to the correct account and for the correct quarter/year. If you wish to replace, or append (add to) an existing wage report, select the Replacement Wage Report or Appended Wage Report option when you upload your wage file.
214 When appending to or replacing an existing Wage report, only one report can be uploaded at a time. Please review your file to ensure that it contains data for only one account and quarter/year.
215 A wage report cannot be uploaded for a future quarter. Please review and correct the quarter/year. Valid values are the current quarter/year and any quarter in the previous 3 years.
216 The wage report was uploaded as a Replacement or an Append; however, there is no existing report for the same quarter/year under this employer account number. You may only replace or append to existing wage reports. Please review the report to ensure you are submitting it to the correct account and for the correct quarter/year. If you are uploading an original wage report for a given account, quarter and year, select the Original Wage Report option when you upload your wage file
217 Employee First Name contains numeric characters. Please review and correct the employee first name.
218 Report filed for a quarter prior to first quarter of payroll. Please review the report to ensure that you are submitting it for the correct account number and the correct quarter/year. A report cannot be filed for a quarter/year prior to the first quarter of payroll.
219 The account number has been cancelled or is a duplicate account. Please review the report to ensure that you are submitting it for the correct account number.
300 Series 300 Series Errors – reports require internal department review. Reports containing 300 series errors require UI department review and will be posted manually.
400 The first name is missing. Please provide a first name for the employee (if available).
401 The SSN is missing, non-numeric or is a bad SSN. Please provide a valid SSN containing all numeric characters. If you do not have an SSN for the employee, fill the field with all zeroes.
500 The file format is invalid. Acceptable file formats are:
Wisconsin UI Format
IRS SSA Tape Format
IRS SSA Disk Format
Please review your file to ensure that it is in one of three acceptable file formats and to ensure that there is a carriage return at the end of each row of data. Information about acceptable wage file formats can be found at:
501 You have exceeded the maximum number of files you can upload You must re-login to our website to upload any remaining files. You may upload up to 3 separate files during a single login session.
502 The file name contains invalid characters The following characters are invalid for your file name:

\ Back-Slash
/ Forward-Slash
: Colon
* Asterisk
? Question Mark
" Double Quotes
< Less Than Sign
> Greater Than Sign
| Pipe

Please rename your file omitting any invalid characters and resubmit your file.
503 The file size must be no larger than 10MB in length Consider using our Secure File Transfer Protocol (FTPS) to submit large wage files. Information about FTPS can be found at our site. Otherwise, you will need to divide your file into smaller files and upload each of the smaller files separately.
505 FTP Upload File cannot be processed automatically due to file formatting issues. The Department will attempt to process your file manually. If we need further information in order to process your file, we will contact you.
999 FTP Upload File Format is Invalid. The file cannot be processed. Please review your file before resubmitting it to ensure that it is in an acceptable file format and to ensure that there is a carriage return at the end of each row of data. Information about acceptable tax file formats can be found at Information about acceptable wage file formats can be found at