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Wisconsin Rehabilitation Council (WRC) - Committees

The Council shall have five standing committees. They shall be: the Executive Committee, the Performance Measures and Quality Assurance Committee, the Services to Business Committee, the Council Engagement Committee, and the Policy Review and Administration Committee.

  1. The Executive Committee shall have the duties and powers set forth in Article V of these bylaws.
  2. The Performance Measures and Quality Assurance Committee shall devise methods for ensuring DVR’s delivery of services and data collection are compliant with WIOA and federal reporting standards. This committee will also review, analyze, and provide input on:
    1. The effectiveness of VR services, and;
    2. Stakeholder satisfaction with VR services provided by the designated state unit.
      The committee may use a variety of methods (e.g., surveys, personal stories, input from other agencies, councils, and boards) to gather information regarding the effectiveness and satisfaction with VR services provided by the designated state unit. This committee will use data, including data from the Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment (CSNA), to identify trends and will provide WRC input into the State Plan, and will share these trends with the Policy Review and Administration Committee.
  3. The Services to Business Committee shall focus on ensuring DVR's services to business are delivered in a way that assists job seekers with disabilities to connect to employment.
  4. The Council Engagement Committee shall be responsible for soliciting nominations for Officers to be submitted to the Chair prior to such elections. The Council Engagement Committee is also responsible for recruitment of new Council members and tracking and follow up with members regarding Council meeting attendance and participation. The committee Chair and/or WRC Chair may be in communication with the Director of Gubernatorial Appointments to ensure membership composition is maintained.
  5. The Policy Review and Administration Committee will review, analyze, and provide input on:
    1. State Administrative Code changes;
    2. The VR Program Policy Manual including Addendums A and B and the Fiscal Manual;
    3. VR policy, procedures, best practices, and/or guidance documents; and
    4. Matters related to the administration of DVR services that do not fall within the scope of another committee.

Executive Committee

Dick Straub (Chair)

Jacci Borchardt

Jolene Wanek

Kathy Meisner

Kyle Kleist

Liz Kennedy

Performance Measures and Quality Assurance Committee

Alexis Riggs

Alicia Reinhard

Dick Straub

Jacci Borchardt

Jennifer Espinoza Forlenza

Jolene Wanek

Kathy Meisner

Kyle Kleist (Chair)

Lindsey Krietzman

Services to Business Committee

Alan Kaltenberg

Jennifer Felty

Jolene Wanek (Chair)

Liz Kennedy

Megan Bisonette

Michael Jackson

Natalia Graf

Rachael Fellers

Council Engagement Committee

Dick Straub

Jacci Borchardt (Chair)

Liz Kennedy

Lori Karcher

Policy Review and Administration Committee

Gadeen Taylor-Duke

Jennifer Espinoza Forlenza

Jenny Felty

Jolene Wanek

Kathy Meisner (Chair)

Rachael Fellers

Annual Report Workgroup

Dick Straub

Kathy Meisner

Kyle Kleist

Natalia Graf

Interested in becoming a member of the Wisconsin Rehabilitation Council? Apply today at Apply to Serve