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What is the Worker Advancement Initiative?

The Worker Advancement Initiative serves people whose jobs have not come back since the pandemic, as well as those who were not attached to or were not successful in the labor market prior to the pandemic, by offering subsidized employment and skills training opportunities with local employers. The program builds on the success of current transitional job programs in the state by launching a new, statewide effort to provide subsidized work opportunities.

Round 2 – WAI Funding

DWD is seeking grant applications from Wisconsin's local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) for Round 2 of the Worker Advancement Initiative (WAI-2). A total of $10 million is available for these awards. This Request for Applications (RFA) will be open through 5:00pm Central Time on March 3, 2025.

Guidance and Resources

Policy and guidance for the WAI Grant such as the Project Implementation Plan (PIP) and Monthly Project Operator Calls.


WAI Project Operators

Individuals who are interested in learning more about local projects funded by the Worker Advancement Initiative grant or becoming a participant in a Worker Advancement Initiative program should contact their local Workforce Development Board (WDB).


Success Stories

Participants will benefit from a continuum of services from a WAI grant. Services may include hard and soft-skill training, on-the-job training, paid work experience, and supportive services to address related barriers to employment. These are the stories of the participants.


WAI Grant Contact

Contact with questions and comments about the Worker Advancement Initiative Grant.

This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP0135 awarded to the Department of Workforce Development via the Wisconsin Department of Administration by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.