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Chapter 11) Performance Accountability and Reporting
11.17 Measurable Skill Gain Policy
Effective date: August 7, 2017 to January 9, 2020
The Measurable Skill Gain (MSG) is a new indicator required by the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA)
designed to measure in-progress skill gains made by program participants in education or training during
a program year.
The MSG indicator
The MSG indicator is the percentage of program participants who, during a program year:
are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment; and
achieve documented progress in attaining academic, technical, occupational, or other forms of progress towards that credential or
Operational Parameters
A MSG must be made during any program year where a participant is in training or education for at least
one day regardless if the participant exits during the PY.
The report period is a program year. Program Years (PY) begin on July 1st and end on June 30th.
They are designated by the year the PY begins.
The MSG is an in-process indicator that examines active participants in training/education.
The MSG indicator denominator includes participants who were enrolled in education or training during the PY.
Regardless if training/education was completed or not
Regardless of when the participant begins training or is enrolled in education
Participants that exit with an exclusion have the exclusion apply to the year the participant exits.
Who is in the MSG Denominator?
Table 11.17.1: Factors for the MSG denominator.
Adult/Dislocated Worker Program
Youth Program
Participants who receive any training service regardless of fund source related
to the IEP.
Co-enrolled in partner program training
Reporting Note:
All training/education related to the IEP must be entered in ASSET.
Training Types
Occupational Skills Training
Education Types
Secondary Education
Post-Secondary Education
Adult Basic Education/Adult Secondary Education
Job Corps
Education triggers entry into the Measurable Skill Gain and Credential Attainment Rate regardless of fund source.
Specific Guidance for each method of Measurable Skill Gain:
Each method has its own parameters for whom may make each gain. Additional details are found in the Joint ICR,
Statewide and Local Report Specifications and TEGL 10-16.
Method #1: EFL Gain
There are three sub-methods to EFL gain method. Only two sub-methods apply to Wisconsin.
Method 1a: EFL Gain via Pre-Test/Post-Test
Only National Reporting System (NRS) approved assessments and scoring mechanisms are authorized to
demonstrate EFL Gains via pre-test/post-test.1
Pre-Tests may be administered up to 6 months prior to program participation.
Post-Tests must be administered before or on the participant's exit date.
One full EFL gain is required.
The date of the post-test must be within the PY.
Method 1b: EFL gain by entry into Post-Secondary
If the participant was in the MSG indicator and is enrolled in post-secondary education after
exit but within the program year.
Method 1c: EFL Gain via Carnegie Credits (Does not apply in Wisconsin)
The Adult High School in Wisconsin does not use Carnegie Credits. The Adult High School in Wisconsin
is certified by the Department of Public Instruction. Its students will be treated as a secondary school
students under WIOA Measurable Skill Gain.
Method #2: Achievement of Secondary School Diploma or equivalent
Method #2 gains can only be made by participants who enter the program without a
secondary school diploma or equivalent.
Method #3: Wisconsin's State Unit Policy for Academic Standards.
Method #3 gains may be made by any participant in education/training however primarily
applies to participants in traditional secondary and post-secondary education programs.
§677.155 (a)(1)(v) outline the methods to make a measurable skill gain. Among the
methods is a Secondary or Post-secondary transcript or report card for a sufficient number of credit
hour that shows a participant is meeting the State unit's academic standards.
TEGL 10-16 and
TAC 17-01
Performance Accountability Guidance reference an administrative unit in each state that provides
authorization to postsecondary institutions and a State educational agency that establishes education
standards for secondary education. Wisconsin has many post-secondary education authorities that govern
various types of post-secondary institutions. There is no single state standard defining an individual's
success. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) provides academic standards geared towards
compliance by a secondary institution in the instruction of each subject area. DPI allows local school
boards to determine academic grade, course pass or fail standards. Therefore, Wisconsin DWD, as the agency
responsible for administering the WIOA Title I programs accept passing report cards from secondary and
post-secondary institutions based on the standards below.
Acceptable documentation: Any reasonable verification of a transcript or report card
will meet the requirement for documentation such as an unofficial transcript, online report card or
Blackboard printout/screenshot.
Secondary School Minimum Achievements
The report card demonstrates satisfactory achievement in all classes by the participant in
secondary education for one semester (i.e. report card with grades of D- or higher in traditional
grading systems or "satisfactory" grade in non-traditional grading schemes). The semester must be
within the program year.
The report card must not indicate the participant dropped out of school, was removed from the
institution or other conditions that indicate removal on academic/conduct grounds.
Post-Secondary School Minimum Achievements
Full Time Students must achieve a minimum of 12 credit hours (in accordance with the institution's
standards) within one semester. The semester must be within the program year.
Part Time Students must achieve a minimum of 12 credits (in accordance with the institution's
standards) in two consecutive semesters. If a semester term begins in one program year and ends in
the next, the semester is considered in the PY it ends.
The report card must not indicate the participant dropped out of school, was removed from the
institution or other conditions that indicate removal on academic/conduct grounds.
WIOA Title I providers must record the date the report card/transcript was issued or the completion
date of the semester into the Automated System Support for Employment Training (ASSET) for inclusion into
the Measurable Skill Gain Numerator. A copy of the Report Card/Transcript must be retained on file. See the
WIOA Performance Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) for data entry instructions.
Method #4: Training Benchmarks
Joint Guidance: "Satisfactory or better progress report, towards established milestones,
such as completion of an OJT or completion of one year of an apprenticeship program or similar milestones, from
an employer or training provider who is providing training – Documentation for this gain may vary, as programs
should identify appropriate methodologies based upon the nature of services being provided, but progress reports
must document substantive skill development that the participant has achieved. The gain may be documented by a
satisfactory or better progress report from an employer or training provider. Progress reports may include
training reports on milestones completed as the individual masters the required job skills, or steps to
complete an OJT or apprenticeship program. Increases in pay resulting from newly acquired skills or
increased performance also can be used to document progress."
Table 11.17.2: Measurable Skill Gain Method #4 Checklist
Measurable Skill Gain
Is it a progress report?
Is there documented substantive skill development achieved by the participant?
Individual mastery or improvement of job skills.
Steps to complete an OJT or apprenticeship program.
Increases in pay from acquired skills. (Did the participant get a raise?)
Individual's performance is documented to be improved.
Other documented substantive skill achievements
On a progress report with specific skill ratings did at least one skill
improve/satisfactory? If multiple skills are on the report card, identify
any single skill that was improved.
If all boxes are answered "Yes" enter the date the progress report was
issued into ASSET. Retain a copy of the progress report in the participant file.
Figure 11.17.1: Measurable Skill Gain Method #4, Logic Chart
Method #5: Skill Progression
Joint Guidance: "Successful passage of an exam that is required for a particular occupation or progress
in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks, such as knowledge-based exams
-– Documentation for this gain may include passage of a component exam in a Registered Apprenticeship program,
employer-required knowledge-based exam, satisfactory attainment of an element on an industry or occupational
competency-based assessment, or other completion test necessary to obtain a credential."
Table 11.17.3: Measurable Skill Gain Method #5 Checklist
Measurable Skill Gain
1. It is an objective test or assessment done by an evaluator on an evaluation,
with pass/fail benchmarks.
2. Is the exam/test/assessment required for entry or advancement in a particular
occupation? (If the person does not complete the exam, are they qualified/allowed to
have the job)
3. Is the exam/test/assessment required for completion of a WIOA credential?
If all answers are "Yes", enter the date the exam was passed in ASSET.
Retain a copy of the exam, score sheet or letter indicating the exam was completed
in the participant file.
Figure 11.17.2: Measurable Skill Gain Method #5, Logic Chart
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