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Effective date: September 2, 2019 to January 19, 2020
As part of the initial eligibility procedure, the state must deny an institution's request to have a training program included on the ETPL if the institution and/or its training program fail to meet the state's eligibility requirements.1 Once the institution's training program is on the ETPL, the state must terminate eligibility if the eligibility requirements are no longer met2 or the institution commits a substantial violation.3
Eligibility may be terminated, for the reasons outlined above, at any time, not just during the period of continued eligibility.4 When a training program's eligibility is terminated, the program must be removed from the published ETPL.5 The state must specify in its ETPL procedures the individual or entity responsible for denying and terminating eligibility and removing programs from the published ETPL.6 The state should also address how to handle situations where one or more participants are currently enrolled in a training program that must be removed from the ETPL; ideally, the mechanism for handling is done so in a way that results in minimal disruption to the participant.7
Under WIOA, an institution commits a substantial violation when it: (1) fails to meet the state's procedure for timely and accurately submitting required information for annual ETP performance reporting,8 (2) fails to meet the state's procedure for timely and accurately submitting all required information for initial or continued eligibility,9 (3) intentionally provides false information,10 or (4) violates any provision of WIOA Title I or its regulations, including the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions.11 The state's ETPL procedures must take into account exceptional circumstances beyond the institution's control (e.g., natural disasters, unexpected personnel transitions, and unexpected technology-related issues) when determining if an institution committed a substantial violation for failing to timely and accurately submit required information.12 If it is determined that exceptional circumstances existed, then a substantial violation did not occur.13 If it is determined that an institution committed a substantial violation, the institution is prohibited from having its programs on the published ETPL for a minimum of two years and it is liable to repay any WIOA Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker Program funds it received during the period of noncompliance.14