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Effective date: July 1, 2017 - May 31, 2021
The primary role of the local WDB is to serve as a strategic convener to promote and broker effective relationships between the CEOs and economic, education, and workforce partners throughout the local area. The local WDB must develop strategies to continuously improve and strengthen the workforce development system through innovation in, and alignment and improvement of, employment, training, and education programs to promote economic growth. 2
Once established and certified, each local WDB must carry out specific functions as defined in WIOA Sections 107(d) and 108, and summarized as follows:
WIOA allows local WDBs to perform other functions when certain conditions apply, as outlined below. 3
A local WDB may be selected as a one-stop operator only with the agreement of the CEO in the local area and the State. The selection process must occur:
In cases where the local WDB is serving in the role of one-stop operator, then the State must ensure certification of one-stop centers.
A local WDB may act as a provider of career services for Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs only with the agreement of the CEO in the local area and the State.
The local WDB may directly provide some or all youth workforce investment activities. 2
In cases where local organizations are functioning simultaneously in a variety of roles (i.e. service provider and fiscal agent, or service provider and one-stop operator), the organization must develop a written agreement (MOU) with the local WDB and CEO to clarify how the organization will carry out its responsibilities while demonstrating compliance with WIOA and corresponding regulations, the Uniform Guidance, and the State's conflict of interest policy.