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Archived Federal Poverty Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines

Persons in the
including applicant
Federal Poverty Guidelines* for Annual Incomes
Applicable Date
03/01/2024 1
Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines for Annual Incomes
Applicable Date 05/01/2024 2
70% of LLSIL 100% of LLSIL
Metro Non-Metro Metro Non-Metro
1 $15,060 $11,819 $11,375 $16,885 $16,250
2 $20,440 $19,374 $18,625 $27,677 $26,607
3 $25,820 $26,591 $25,572 $37,987 $36,531
4 $31,200 $32,827 $31,566 $46,895 $45,095
5 $36,580 $38,737 $37,259 $55,339 $53,228
6 $41,960 $45,311 $43,572 $64,730 $62,245
7 $47,340 $51,885 $49,884 $74,121 $71,263
8 $52,720 $58,459 $56,197 $83,513 $80,281
For each additional person $5,380 $6,574 $6,312 $9,391 $9,018

* According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website, "the poverty guidelines are sometimes loosely referred to as the 'federal poverty level' (FPL), but that phrase is ambiguous and should be avoided."

Persons in the
including applicant
Federal Poverty Guidelines* for Annual Incomes
Applicable Date
03/01/2023 1
Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines for Annual Incomes
Applicable Date 06/01/2023 2
70% of LLSIL 100% of LLSIL
Metro Non-Metro Metro Non-Metro
1 $14,580 $11,112 $10,674 $15,874 $15,249
2 $19,720 $18,214 $17,478 $26,021 $24,968
3 $24,860 $25,000 $23,997 $35,714 $34,281
4 $30,000 $30,863 $29,623 $44,089 $42,318
5 $35,140 $36,419 $34,965 $52,028 $49,950
6 $40,280 $42,600 $40,889 $60,857 $58,413
7 $45,420 $48,781 $46,813 $69,686 $66,876
8 $50,560 $54,962 $52,737 $78,515 $75,339
For each additional person $5,140 $6,181 $5,924 $8,829 $8,463

* According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website, "the poverty guidelines are sometimes loosely referred to as the 'federal poverty level' (FPL), but that phrase is ambiguous and should be avoided."

Persons in the
including applicant
Federal Poverty Guidelines* for Annual Incomes
Applicable Date
03/01/2023 1
Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines for Annual Incomes
Applicable Date 03/01/2023 2
70% of LLSIL 100% of LLSIL
Metro Non-Metro Metro Non-Metro
1 $14,580 $10,573 $10,127 $15,104 $14,468
2 $19,720 $17,330 $16,582 $24,758 $23,689
3 $24,860 $23,787 $22,767 $33,981 $32,525
4 $30,000 $29,365 $28,105 $41,950 $40,150
5 $35,140 $34,652 $33,174 $49,503 $47,391
6 $40,280 $40,532 $38,794 $57,904 $55,420
7 $45,420 $46,412 $44,414 $66,305 $63,449
8 $50,560 $52,292 $50,034 $74,706 $71,478
For each additional person $5,140 $5,880 $5,620 $8,401 $8,029

* According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website, "the poverty guidelines are sometimes loosely referred to as the 'federal poverty level' (FPL), but that phrase is ambiguous and should be avoided."

Persons in the
including applicant
Federal Poverty Guidelines* for Annual Incomes
Applicable Date
05/01/2022 - 02/28/2023 1
Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines for Annual Incomes
Applicable Date 05/01/2022 - 02/28/2023 2
70% of LLSIL 100% of LLSIL
Metro Non-Metro Metro Non-Metro
1 $13,590 $10,573 $10,127 $15,104 $14,468
2 $18,310 $17,330 $16,582 $24,758 $23,689
3 $23,030 $23,787 $22,767 $33,981 $32,525
4 $27,750 $29,365 $28,105 $41,950 $40,150
5 $32,470 $34,652 $33,174 $49,503 $47,391
6 $37,190 $40,532 $38,794 $57,904 $55,420
7 $41,910 $46,412 $44,414 $66,305 $63,449
8 $46,630 $52,292 $50,034 $74,706 $71,478
For each additional person $4,720 $5,880 $5,620 $8,401 $8,029

Persons in the
including applicant
Federal Poverty Guidelines for Annual Incomes
02/01/2021 1 to 04/30/2022
Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines for Annual Incomes
04/09/2021 2 to 04/30/2022
70% of LLSIL 100% of LLSIL
A-Metro B-Non-Metro A-Metro B-Non-Metro
1$12,880 $10,079 $9,654 $14,398 $13,792
2$17,420 $16,521 $15,808 $23,601 $22,583
3$21,960 $22,676 $21,704 $32,394 $31,006
4$26,500 $27,994 $26,792 $39,991 $38,274
5$31,040 $33,033 $31,624 $47,190 $45,177
6$35,580 $38,639 $36,982 $55,199 $52,832
7$40,120 $44,245 $42,340 $63,208 $60,487
8$44,660 $49,851 $47,698 $71,217 $68,142
For each additional person$4,540$5,606$5,358$8,009$7,655

Persons in the
including applicant
Federal Poverty Guidelines for Annual Incomes
01/15/2020 to 01/31/2021
Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines for Annual Incomes
04/30/2020 to 04/08/2021
70% of LLSIL 100% of LLSIL
A-Metro B-Non-Metro A-Metro B-Non-Metro
1 $12,760$9,979$9,568$14,256$13,669
2 $17,240 $16,357 $15,667 $23,368 $22,381
3 $21,720 $22,451 $21,510 $32,073 $30,275
4 $26,200 $27,716 $26,553 $39,595 $37,372
5 $30,680 $32,706 $31,342 $46,723 $44,112
6 $35,160 $38,257 $36,652 $54,652 $51,587
7 $39,640 $43,808 $41,962 $62,581 $59,061
8 $44,120 $49,359 $47,272 $70,510 $66,535
For each additional person $4,480$5,551$5,310$7,929$7,586

Persons in the
including applicant
Federal Poverty Guidelines for Annual Incomes
01/11/2019 to 01/14/2020
Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines for Annual Incomes
05/29/2019 to 04/29/2020
70% of LLSIL 100% of LLSIL
A-Metro B-Non-Metro A-Metro B-Non-Metro
1 $12,490$9,831 $9,427 $14,045 $13,467
2 $16,910 $16,116 $15,435 $23,022 $22,050
3 $21,330$22,119 $21,192 $31,599 $30,275
4 $25,750$27,307 $26,161 $39,010 $37,372
5 $30,170$32,223 $30,879 $46,033 $44,112
6 $34,590$37,691 $36,111 $53,845 $51,587
7 $39,010$43,160 $41,343 $61,657 $59,061
8 $43,430$48,628 $46,575 $69,469 $66,535
For each additional person $4,420$5,468$5,232$7,812$7,474

Persons in the
including applicant
Federal Poverty Guidelines for Annual Incomes
01/13/2018 to 01/10/2019
Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines for Annual Incomes
05/29/2018 to 05/28/2019
70% of LLSIL 100% of LLSIL
A-Metro B-Non-Metro A-Metro B-Non-Metro
1 $12,140 $9,658 $9,279 $13,797 $13,255
2 $16,460 $15,831 $15,192 $22,615 $21,703
3 $20,780 $21,728 $20,859 $31,040 $29,798
4 $25,100 $26,824 $25,749 $38,320 $36,784
5 $29,420 $31,653 $30,393 $45,219 $43,418
6 $33,740 $37,025 $35,542 $52,893 $50,774
7 $38,060 $42,397 $40,691 $59,553 $58,130
8 $42,380 $47,769 $45,840 $67,098 $65,486
For each additional person $4,320 $5,372$5,149$7,674$7,356

Persons in the
including applicant
Federal Poverty Guidelines for Annual Incomes
01/26/17 to 01/12/2018
Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines for Annual Incomes
05/23/2017 to 05/28/2018
70% of LLSIL 100% of LLSIL
A-Metro B-Non-Metro A-Metro B-Non-Metro
1 $12,060 $9,496 $9,159 $13,566 $13,085
2 $16,240 $15,566 $14,997 $22,237 $21,425
3 $20,420 $21,365 $20,591 $30,522 $29,416
4 $24,600 $26,376 $25,418 $37,679 $36,312
5 $28,780 $31,124 $30,002 $44,463 $42,861
6 $32,960 $36,406 $35,086 $52,008 $50,123
7 $37,140 $41,688 $40,170 $59,553 $57,385
8 $41,320 $46,970 $45,254 $67,098 $64,647
For each additional person $4,180 $5,282 $5,084 $7,545 $7,262

Note: For purposes of the LLSIL Guidelines, "Metro" means those counties that are part of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Counties that are not part of a MSA are considered "Non-Metro." A link to the list of the MSAs that contain one or more Wisconsin counties can be found at Please note that MSAs can change so be sure to reference the appropriate year.