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This is based upon the definition of farming and farmer in the WI Worker's Compensation Act. See statue 102.04(3) for clarification.
We either have no date of birth, or an incorrect one. You can enter or change this value in Section 0.2.
We either have no date of birth, or an incorrect one. You can enter or change this value in Section 0.2.
For part time employees the normally scheduled hours should be entered in Section 5.
You can make corrections by submitting another 13A. If the data previously sent was accepted the new data you send will write over the existing data on our system. If the claim is under wage investigation when you submit another 13A the data will need to be reviewed by our wage analysts before it is accepted into the system.
The claim will no longer be on the Expecting Wage Information, Expecting Reply to Wage Investigation Correspondence sub-list.
"Same work" mean same job title and same type of work.
"Same number of hours and same number of days" means the same arrangement of scheduled hours, regardless of the days in the week or shift. For example, a twelve-hour schedule of four hours each on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday is the same as a twelve-hour schedule of four hours each on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. "Not the same" would be a twelve-hour schedule of six hours each for two days, even though the total number of hours scheduled is the same.
We may not have a date of hire for the employee, and so we have nothing against which we can compare the weeks worked from Section 2.2. Gross wages helps fill this gap.
Fill in the Section 1.3 Paid by Piece Rate fields as normal. In Section 1.5.B Basis of Pay/Wage Comments tell us either to ignore the hourly rate or that it is guaranteed.
In Section 2.1 enter the total amount earned for the total number of days worked, including any earnings from the date of injury. In Section 2.2 enter "1" for the weeks worked.
A restriction statement cannot be used if doing so means that the TTD rate will be higher than if the restriction statement were not used.