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Indicator 7: Completeness of Submitting Required Wage Supplement Reports

Indicator Description

This indicator measures insurers' compliance with DWD 80.02(2)(c) relating to the submission of complete Wage Information Supplement Reports, form WKC-13-A, to the Department.

Compliance Requirement

DWD 80.02(2)(c) establishes the requirements for submitting wage information, and the rule implies that such information is to be complete

Standard or Benchmark

While there is no performance standard set by statute or rule the benchmark used for training purposes is to have a ratio of no more than 10% of the Wage Information Supplements received with incomplete information.

Source of Indicator Data

The source of the data is from the count of wage letters used to request further information. These standard letters are in the WC45 series, and their use indicates the submission of an incomplete Wage Information Supplement. The letters are as follows: WC45B, WC45C, WC45D, WC45H, WC45K, WC45L, WC45M and WC45P.

Computation Methodology

Completeness is computed by dividing the number of wage letters used to request further information by the number of First Supplementary Reports received during the quarter and establishing a ratio of these request letters sent during the quarter vis-a-vis the number of First Supplementary Reports received during the quarter.

State of Wisconsin Averages

Indicator 7: Completeness of Submitting Required Wage Supplemental Reports

What This Indicator Measures

This indicator reflects the individual and combined performance of about 180 insurers with respect to the submission of complete Wage Information Supplements. These insurers account for over 90% of the claims submitted. The benchmark for training purposes is that 90% of claims reported do not require the Department to send letters requesting further wage information. Data is updated quarterly.

Explanatory Comments for Current Indicator

Performance for the 4th quarter 2024 is at 85%, and the 12 quarter performance rate holds seven percentage points below the benchmark of 90%.

Indicator 7: Completeness of Submitting Required Reports

  • Group A - Large Insurers (400 or more paid claims in the previous calendar year)
  • Group B - Medium Size Insurers (less than 400 but at least 65 paid claims in the previous calendar year)
  • Group C - Small Size Insurers (less than 65 paid claims in the previous year, but at least 65 claims in the previous three-year period)

PLEASE NOTE: Quarterly summary reports are static. As such they are a snapshot of performance reflected by our database on the 14th day of every new quarter. As such, actual performance may be different due to changes to the claims for the given quarter after the reports are run.