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October 7, 2016
Members present: Mary Jo Capodice, DO; BJ Dernbach (Chair); Amanda Gilliland; Richard Goldberg, MD; Barbara Janusiak, RN; Maja Jurisic, MD; Jeff Lyne, DC; Jim Nelson; James O'Malley (acting chair); Peter Schubbe, DC; Jennifer Seidl, PT; Ron Stark, MD; Sri Vasudevan, MD
Excused: Ted Gertel, MD; Stephen Klos, MD; Michael McNett, MD
Other Attendees: Forbes McIntosh, Government Policy Solutions LLC; H.J. Waukau, Wisconsin Medical Society (by telephone conference call)
The HCPAC discussed possible changes to DWD 81.06 related to low back surgery including decompression procedures and arthrodesis. It was the consensus of the members that no further discussion should occur at this meeting and that any suggested changes should be made by surgeons. Mr. O'Malley will send a message to Dr. Gertel and request him to review and comment about the language contained in DWD 81.06 (6).
The members discussed including the Wisconsin Medical Examining Board's Opioid Prescribing Guideline in ch. DWD 81 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. Mr. O'Malley stated that the Attorney General's Office is required to approve any document that is incorporated by reference in the Wisconsin Administrative Code. Mr. O'Malley will contact the Wisconsin Attorney General's Office for additional information about this and report at the next meeting.