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Tony Evers, Governor
Amy Pechacek, Secretary

Department of Workforce Development
Secretary's Office

201 E. Washington Avenue
P.O. Box 7946
Madison, WI 53707-7946
Telephone: (608) 266-3131
Fax: (608) 266-1784

Nov. 16, 2023
CONTACT: DWD Communications

Governor's Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence Sets Subcommittee Meetings for Nov. 20

Task Force Subcommittees Focusing on Industries, Occupations, and Skills as well as Equity and Opportunity to hold virtual public meetings

MADISON – The Governor's Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence will take its next step forward when its subcommittees focusing on Industries, Occupations, and Skills, and Equity and Economic Opportunity hold virtual public meetings on Nov. 20.

Interested members of the public may obtain links to attend the meetings by registering via Eventbrite.

To assist the task force in its work, interested members of the public are also invited to participate in a brief SurveyMonkey survey.

The Equity and Economic Opportunity Subcommittee is exploring existing programs designed to connect underutilized talent pools with in-demand skills, identify gaps, and propose solutions that lead to career advancement and a thriving economy through the AI transformation. The upcoming subcommittee meeting will explore initial research findings, discuss recent successes in connecting employers with underutilized talent, and begin identifying how the rise of AI technologies may require adaptation in training and program resources.

The Industries, Occupations, and Skills Subcommittee is working to identify the industries, occupations, and functional skillsets most likely to benefit or experience disruption from AI. Based on this understanding, and a review of existing training and other programs, the group aims to identify opportunities to advance workers, employers, job seekers, and a thriving Wisconsin economy. The upcoming subcommittee meeting will explore initial research findings as well as an overview of existing programs and training opportunities in these fields.

The Governor's Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence is bringing together leaders from business, agriculture, education, technology, labor, workforce development, and government to identify policies and investments that will advance Wisconsin workers, employers, and job seekers through this technological transformation. The task force is chaired by the secretary of the Department of Workforce Development or a designee with additional leadership from the secretary of the Department of Administration or a designee and the secretary of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. or a designee.

The next full meeting of the Governor's Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence is set for Dec. 4 in Milwaukee. Keep up with task force activities by signing up for email notifications and learn more by visiting the task force website. Find Gov. Evers' Executive Order #211 creating the task force.


Wisconsin's Department of Workforce Development efficiently delivers effective and inclusive services to meet Wisconsin's diverse workforce needs now and for the future. The department advocates for and invests in the protection and economic advancement of all Wisconsin workers, employers and job seekers through six divisions – Employment and Training, Vocational Rehabilitation, Unemployment Insurance, Equal Rights, Worker's Compensation and Administrative Services. To keep up with DWD announcements and information, sign up for news releases and follow us on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.