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Tony Evers, Governor
Amy Pechacek, Secretary

Department of Workforce Development
Secretary's Office

201 E. Washington Avenue
P.O. Box 7946
Madison, WI 53707-7946
Telephone: (608) 266-3131
Fax: (608) 266-1784

Sept. 28, 2023
CONTACT: DWD Communications

Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce Event Series Highlights Technical Education and Grant Opportunities

MADISON – How can employers, educational institutions, and communities tap into grant funding to support innovative technical education projects and customized worker training programs?

Hear from local workforce development leaders and recipients of technical education and training grants as they share strategies to apply for and implement grant-funded workforce technology and training programs at DWD's upcoming "Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce" forums. The statewide series of quarterly events highlights workforce development initiatives, available funding, resources to aid competitiveness, and local successes with worker recruitment and retention.

"We invite employers, educators, community leaders and anyone who is interested in local workforce programming to join the hundreds of others who've attended previous Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce events this year and left with a wealth of workforce information, resources, and so much more," DWD Secretary Amy Pechacek said. "Register today for one of the 10 events we and our regional partners are planning over the next three months, and prepare to discover effective workforce strategies, network with industry professionals, and hear success stories that inform and inspire."

The free forums are organized by DWD, Wisconsin's regional Workforce Development Boards, and local partners. Employers, educators, community leaders, nonprofit employment service providers, and other stakeholders are encouraged to attend. Interested participants can learn more at the Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce Events website and register for any of the upcoming sessions.

The upcoming forums will run from Oct. 17 to Dec. 7, 2023. This round of free events will focus on technology and training, highlighting Wisconsin Fast Forward-funded workforce programming, grant application processes and timelines, local recipient success stories, and other key resources.

Wisconsin's 11 workforce development areas feature integrated business service teams that work with employers to find solutions when it comes to recruiting qualified workers, retaining well-trained employees, and accessing workforce planning resources.

Featured speakers at the "Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce" events will include leaders of the local workforce development boards, DWD and administration officials, top local employers, and workforce resource experts.

The year's final round of events will take place in the following communities:

Interested participants can learn more at the Winning with Wisconsin's Workforce Events website and register for any of the upcoming sessions.


Wisconsin's Department of Workforce Development efficiently delivers effective and inclusive services to meet Wisconsin's diverse workforce needs now and for the future. The department advocates for and invests in the protection and economic advancement of all Wisconsin workers, employers and job seekers through six divisions – Employment and Training, Vocational Rehabilitation, Unemployment Insurance, Equal Rights, Worker's Compensation and Administrative Services. To keep up with DWD announcements and information, sign up for news releases and follow us on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.