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State law protects you from workplace discrimination because of your creed or religious belief. State law defines "creed" as "a system of religious beliefs, including moral or ethical beliefs about right and wrong that are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views."
Employment discrimination because of creed includes refusing to reasonably accommodate your religious observance or practice unless your employer or prospective employer can demonstrate that the accommodation would pose an undue hardship.
The statute of limitations for filing a complaint is 300 days from the date the action was taken or you were made aware the action was taken.
A reasonable accommodation is a change to the terms or conditions of your employment that eliminates the conflict between your employment requirements and your religious practices. Examples of religious or creed accommodations may involve schedule changes to allow religious observance or changes to a workplace dress code. You do not lose your right to reasonable accommodations of your religious beliefs if you temporarily tolerate a schedule or dress requirement.
"Undue hardship" under the law is any proposed accommodation that poses more than minimal costs on your employer's program, enterprise, or business. For example, while your employer may be required to provide time off for religious observances, your employer is not required to provide paid time off for religious observance above and beyond paid time off provided to all employees.
When your creed motivates the adverse decision, it becomes unlawful discrimination. Specifically, the law prohibits discrimination in recruitment and hiring, job assignments, pay, leave or benefits, promotion, licensing or union membership, training, layoff and firing, harassment, and other employment related actions.