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IPS Process Steps |
Prior to IPS Referral |
Referral to IPS/DVR |
IPS Services Begin |
Job Obtained and Maintained |
Case Transfer to Longer Term support |
IPS Job Seeker | Receiving Services from MH Team | Meet with ES and then DVR | Participate in job seeking related activity | Maintain job, keep in touch with ES/DVR | Maintain job, keep in touch with MH Team/ES |
MH Team (Includes ES and DVR) | Meet regularly, discuss progress and employment, providing expertise | MH Team member makes referral to ES | Provide feedback to ES regarding job search and other issues | Provide feedback to ES regarding job and other issues | Supports Employment-Refers to ES if issues arise. |
ES | Attend and participate in MH team meetings at least weekly, providing expertise | Initial meeting with consumer Begin: Consult with DVR, Application, Career Profile, Employer Contacts |
Complete work on Career Profile,Employer contacts Explore job prospects |
Provide individual support, fade as possible | Transfers support to MH team |
DVR | Attend and participate in MH team meetings at least monthly, providing expertise | Initial meeting with consumer Begin: Consult w/ ES, Application, Eligibility, OOS. |
Determine phase of IPS-Consult with ES, Authorize services going forward (Career Profile/Job Dev Plan), complete IPE, Provide IPE Services as needed | Provide expertise and IPE services as needed |