Authorization for this form is provided under Section 103.70(1), Wisconsin Statutes. Completion of this form is voluntary. However, if you wish to create a work permit with the Equal Rights Division (ERD), you must submit a written document containing the information sought in this form, including payment of $10. Do not send cash. Personal information you provide may be used for secondary purposes (s. 15.04(1)(m), Wisconsin Statutes)

To create a work permit:

  1. Use the tabs to navigate through the application. Do not use the browser back/forward buttons.
  2. Enter information about the minor, employer, type of work and school the minor attends.
  3. Review the information entered on the Review tab. Then proceed to the payment window to submit payment via credit card or bank account.
  4. To get started, click here

Click for detailed steps to create a work permit.