Form Summary
- Payment Remittance Coupon:
- If you pay by check or
money order, the top portion of this statement should be detached and returned
with your payment to ensure proper crediting to your account. Payment
instructions are listed on the back of the form under How to Pay. You can
also pay on-line by accessing the web site listed on the back of the form.
- Minimum Payment: If
you have an approved installment agreement, the amount shown is the minimum
payment due on this coupon.
- Due Date: This is the due date for receipt of your payment. If it is
not received by the due date, interest is assessed on the amount due.
Beginning with August 2012, interest is assessed at .75% per month or
9% per year. Prior to August 2012, interest was assessed at 1% per month
or 12% per year.
- Account No.:
- The account number listed on the “Payment Remittance Coupon” is the
reimbursable employer UI account that all benefit charge, benefit adjustment,
and payment activity is posted to.
- Statement Period:
- This is the time period (month) that the activity in your account covers.
- Previous Balance:
- This is the ending balance (either an amount due or an available (credit)
balance from your previous month’s statement.
- Benefit Charges:
- This is the amount of unemployment benefit payments made to claimants that
were charged to your account during the month. This should equal the total
benefit charges shown below for each of the periods listed as Benefit Charges in
the Description column.
- Adjustments:
- This is the net amount of all adjustments and payments you made that were
posted to your account during the month. This should equal the net total
for all items shown below as “Employer Payment” and “Benefit Adjustments” in the
Description column. These items can either be a debit (increase in amount
due) or a (credit) (decrease in amount due) to your account.
- New Balance:
- This is the balance in your account at the end of the month. This can
either be an amount due or a (credit) balance.
- Accounting Transaction Details:
- This is a summary of the “Benefit Charges and Adjustments” statements you
received during the month. Depending on the activity in your account, you
could have received up to 4 statements during the month. This also shows
any payments made that were received by us and posted to your account during the
- Please pay:
- If the “New Balance” amount is positive, this is the amount due by the date