Wisconsin Minimum Wage Rates

Effective July 24, 2009 (Wis. Stat. ch. 104)

General Minimum Wage Rates

Non-Opportunity Employees:

$7.25 per Hour

Opportunity Employees:

$5.90 per Hour

Minimum Wage Rates for Tipped Employees

Non-Opportunity Employees:

$2.33 per Hour

Opportunity Employees:

$2.13 per Hour

Note: "Opportunity employee" means an employee who is not yet 20 years old and who has been in employment status with a particular employer for 90 or fewer consecutive calendar days from the date of initial employment.

Minimum Wage Rates for All Agricultural Employees

Adults: $7.25 per Hour

Minors: $7.25 per Hour

Minimum Rates for Caddies

9 Holes: $5.90

18 Holes: $10.50

For more information contact:

State of Wisconsin
Department of Workforce Development
Equal Rights Division

201 E Washington Ave, Room A100
Madison WI 53703

PO Box 8928
Madison WI 53708-8928
Telephone: (608) 266-6860

819 N 6th St Room 723
Milwaukee WI 53203

Telephone: (414) 227-4384

Website: http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/er/

The Department of Workforce Development is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you have a disability and need to access this information in an alternate format or need it translated to another language, please contact us

Wisconsin Maximum Allowances for Board and Lodging

Effective July 24, 2009

Non-Agricultural Employment

Non-Opportunity Employees Opportunity Employees
Meals $87.00 Per Week
$4.15 Per Meal
$70.80 Per Week
$3.35 Per Meal
Lodging $58.00 Per Week
$8.30 Per Day
$47.20 Per Week
$6.75 Per Day

Agricultural Employment

All Employees
Meals $87.00 Per Week
$4.15 Per Meal
Lodging $58.00 Per Week
$8.30 Per Day

Camp Counselor Employment

Weekly Salary for All Employees [Adults and Minors]

Board & Lodging Board Only No Board or Lodging
Salary Rates $210.00 $265.00 $350.00

When board or lodging provided by an employer is accepted and received by an employee, the employer is permitted to deduct up to the above amounts from the worker�s paycheck. The amounts deducted are used to determine if the employee is receiving the required minimum wage rates.

Print Version of the ERD-9247-P Poster