Program Details

AutoCAD Certification Training (Voucher Included)
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
The AutoCAD certification training course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the AutoCAD software, starting with the basics and progressing to the creation of construction documents. The curriculum focuses on professional workflows and prepares you to pass the Autodesk AutoCAD User certification exam. With hands-on, real-world optional projects, you will obtain the skill set needed to develop high-quality construction documents using state-of-the-art professional workflows. You will learn the AutoCAD User Interface and develop skills that will enhance your employability in fields such as architecture, engineering, and construction. Additionally, passing the certification exam can serve as a valuable credential to demonstrate expertise to potential employers or clients. Upon completion of this AutoCAD training course, you will be prepared for the Autodesk AutoCAD User certification exam. You will also receive a voucher for the exam. Show More

This program is offered

Ongoing, open enrollment

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