Program Details

Teacher Education
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Founded in 1893 as the Superior Normal School, the University of Wisconsin-Superior was created to educate teachers. Since its founding, UWS has been a frontrunner in the UW System in terms of its offerings in PK-12 education. Education students engage in classrooms in their local communities throughout their education. Education programs are subject to change to be in alignment with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. UWS offers an Associate of Science in Teaching as well as bachelor’s degrees in licensure programs for teaching in the following areas: Elementary Education: K-9 Early Childhood: Birth-Grade 3 Special Education: K-12 Early Childhood Special Education: Birth-Grade 3 K-12 licensure in Physical Education/Health or Music, or Art Secondary Education (Grades 4-12) in Broadfield Science, Broadfield English Language Arts, Mathematics, or Broadfield Social Studies. Additionally, the University offers microcredentials in early childhood specialties. Show More

1. All applicants complete the University of Wisconsin Online application. It is free. 2. Degree-seeking students must have official transcripts from all institutions previously attended sent to the Admissions Office. You are required to have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in previous college work. 3. If you have earned 12 credits or less, you must have a) successfully completed English 101 and a math course at the level of Math 100 or above, or b) successfully completed the Wisconsin Placement Tests for Math and English earning scores required for eligibility to register for 100-level English and math courses. 4. Non-degree-seeking students complete the University of Wisconsin Online Application, selecting Visitor/Guest Student at the Undergraduate Level. Special Student applications don't require transcripts.

This program is offered

Application deadlines: Fall start: August 15th Spring start: January 15th You are not required to submit your ACT/SAT scores.
The University of Wisconsin-Superior's Career Services Office provides a number of career guides and resources to secure employment.
The University of Wisconsin-Superior Educational Success Center offers a number of tutoring services as academic supports for students.

$4,950 is the cost for 12-18* credits for a WI resident per semester. Updated tuition and fees can be found here:
Week 1- Refund 100% Week 2- Refund 100% Week 3- Refund 50% Week 4- Refund 50% Thereafter- Refund 0%

Program Enrollments and Completions
267 (79%)
267 (100%)
Employment Outcomes (Completions Only)
267 (100%)
220 (82%)


If there are fewer than eight enrollments in the training program, only the "Enrollments" number will be displayed; all other data is hidden in order to help protect the students' identities. The "Employment Outcomes" are calculated using information from Wisconsin's Unemployment Insurance Wage database. Most employers are required to report certain employment information to the State of Wisconsin, including quarterly wage information for their employees. Students whose information could not be verified in this database are excluded from these outcomes. If a "0" shows for any of these outcomes, it means that none of the students' information could be verified.


"Average quarterly wages" means the total wages earned in a three-month period by all students who completed the program ("completers"), divided by the total number of completers.

"Median quarterly wages" means all the completers' quarterly wages are placed in order from lowest to highest and then we identify the student's wages in the middle. This information is provided because averages can be greatly influenced by really high and low wage earners.

To estimate monthly wages, divide the quarterly wages by three.


Not Provided

Not Provided

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