Program Details

Heavy Equipment Operator Training
Train Skills Management, LLC
Train Skills Management (TSM) provides Heavy Equipment Training in 3-5 week accelerated timeline, includes the use of high-tech Simulators transitioning to traditional equipment. Full motion platforms provide real life training situations to build muscle memory & confidence. Industry benchmarks must be met to proceed to each new training exercise, by meeting or exceeding 80% of required measured comps. Hands-on skills training and operation techniques practiced in a safe controlled and measured environment. This model provides the equivalent of 1 month experience in the field for every 3 days of training on the simulator because of the technical tracking and control measures used throughout the course. This model provides the skill sets to ensure a safe transition to traditional equipment operation with the ability to be a proficient & efficient operator. Site assessment & awareness using multiple platforms of construction equipment through multiple modules focused on safety first. Show More

Must be able to pass a pre-course drug test, must be physically able to stand for long hours and lift 50# regularly, must have a valid drivers license, have good eye-hand coordination with good communication skills, be willing to travel if required by employer. Must be a team player and have a desire to learn new skills and work hard to earn a position of a life changing career opportunity. Each candidate must sign an agreement of commitment to the SOFTEC program and their training cohorts within the program. Each candidate also agrees to participate in our successful Mentoring program for a minimum of one year following graduation with the ability to continue through their work career as needed. Each candidate is also able to continue to stop in and sharpen their skills in the offseason on the simulator if we have classes in progress. This works great as an additional incentive program for each new trainee to meet & share their work experiences w/ new trainees to help job shock.

This program is offered

Our proven TSM training program modules will prepare you to enter into the Operating Engineers Apprenticeship program with the necessary skill sets to confidently become a productive and proficient operator for your new employer. We have a solid collaborating partner pool of Industry Professionals that will visit, engage and interview each trainee participant, and we hold a job fair event prior to and just after successful completion and graduation, inviting many members to attend and network with each trainee. Our 5week Industry certified program has proven success with data to support our program from beginning to end as a viable training method that has merit for each candidate and supplies a work ready new employee for Industry to start immediately at the job-site. Diversity in our program works with gender as well as employment opportunities at graduation, that being construction (both vertical & Horizontal), Utility/Broadband Installation as well as Manufacturing logistics.
we have multiple Business and Industry partners that support and believe in our training program. We meet and discuss with them regularly to ensure that our training model is up to date, and will provide a possible new employee with the best skill sets and a complete understanding of best practices, site assessments and procedures. Along with our belief in our program, we have the support and interest of each future employer. With COVID, the construction industry has changed dramatically, now forcing the hand to instill 2D and 3D GPS and Accugrade principles for safe operation utilizing smaller but more technically advances Machine operator teams per site. We are diligent to provide this training on the leading edge of change. Our Industry partners continue to engage directly with our candidates throughout the training process. We have added collaborating partner certified trainers to provide flagger certification in addition to OSHA 10 Safety classes for 2021-22. Industry feeds us
We hold a minimum of 2 job fairs per session on prior to and one after graduation. We also offer multiple networking sessions during our training session for Industry partners and students to meet and engage in Industry conversation.This has proven very helpful to our team getting hired on the job. We also stay in constant contact with industry leaders to ensure that we are at the front edge of training that is needed as to provide skilled employees
we help with writing skills, financial planning by bringing in Industry professionals, help with reading and understanding of required mathematics. we also help each trainee create and build an up to date, professional history and resume. Mentoring in 2021 has been a great addition for each trainee throughout the class and onto the employment on-boarding process to the job-site. Our Board is very active in engaging each candidate weekly and we follow it up with weekly visits from potential employers and Industry professionals throughout the training module. Mentorship with Board, Community and Industry partners has proven to be invaluable for the program and the students alike. Our trainees come out of our 5 week program work ready with many getting the opportunity to be Sponsored directly int the Operator's Local Union as Apprentices starting with wages in the base $25.90/hour plus benefits/ Pensions & family healthcare. In just 5 weeks our program has proven our model works!

Other Fees: Currently Train Skills Management, LLC is offering a Hybrid Combination Course with our contracted Industry CDL Certified Endorsement Trainer at St. Croix Valley Truck Driving School, located in St. Croix Falls, WI. This is an optional training that can be obtained at a preferred rate through Train Skills Management for a Class A, Manual Transmission CDL Endorsement upon passing a separated course. We have set up our course to facilitate the option and achievability to acquire both with approved funding. The industry is changing rapidly and it is preferred by many that a trainee obtain a CDL as an add-on. Boom Lift/ Forklift or Boom Lift /Scissors Lift combination CARD Holder, the combo class will also cost an estimated additional $650.00 payable to an outside contractor. This would/could range upwards and is wholly dependent on trainee desire. It is not required to be done to graduate or successfully complete the training session. the CDL Endorsement will cost $4,500 p/p
We require all pre-class drug testing and compliance of signing required release documents on the first day of orientation, which is normally a Monday. We have a long standing list of trainees that want to attend our class and it is imperative that each trainee commits to attending all sessions per week as agreed upon at orientation. We have set our Refund policy to reflect that agreement, 5 days prorated after 10 days the entire deposit and payment is non-refundable due to 5 week timeline.

Program Enrollments and Completions
31 (94%)
0 (0%)
Employment Outcomes (Completions Only)
14 (45%)
17 (55%)


If there are fewer than eight enrollments in the training program, only the "Enrollments" number will be displayed; all other data is hidden in order to help protect the students' identities. The "Employment Outcomes" are calculated using information from Wisconsin's Unemployment Insurance Wage database. Most employers are required to report certain employment information to the State of Wisconsin, including quarterly wage information for their employees. Students whose information could not be verified in this database are excluded from these outcomes. If a "0" shows for any of these outcomes, it means that none of the students' information could be verified.


"Average quarterly wages" means the total wages earned in a three-month period by all students who completed the program ("completers"), divided by the total number of completers.

"Median quarterly wages" means all the completers' quarterly wages are placed in order from lowest to highest and then we identify the student's wages in the middle. This information is provided because averages can be greatly influenced by really high and low wage earners.

To estimate monthly wages, divide the quarterly wages by three.


Not Provided

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